Steve’s Teachings
Being called by YHWH to teach others is not something to be taken lightly; for this reason, Steve has created the following collection of teachings through countless hours, days, weeks, months and years of prayer and study in the Scriptures. His constant prayer is to help the body of Messiah and fellow believers to grow in understanding and spiritual maturity so we can all have a better relationship with the Father.
Check back often for new teachings.
Please note that our Daily Devotions can be found here.
Satan’s Little Season
How much prophecy has yet to be fulfilled? There are some who believe that all or most events prophesied in the Bible have already come to pass. Is this view founded in The Word or is it a spiritualization, a misunderstanding, or a case of not having eyes to see or...
Jesus Fulfilled the Law
What did Jesus mean when He said He came to fulfill the law? How do you know if your definition of "fulfill" is the same as His? Take a moment to see if your understanding of the topic matches with our savior's.
Sacrifice – A Daily Thing
Have you taken the time to study Biblical sacrifice? We're not just talking about the prescribed animal sacrifices, but the sacrifice of YOUR life to HIM? In this message, Steve tells it like it is, defining what a sacrifice should be in a life dedicated to God. Watch...
Off the Cuff!
Steve’s main series of teachings.
Men of YHWH
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should constantly be shaping our lives to be more like our Heavenly Father. Thus, growing into a man of YHWH. In this 28th chapter of a never-ending book to come, we turn our attention to focusing on what YHWH has for us to grow in as individuals.
World News Update
Short reports that address several issues at hand in current events of the time of the videos.
Let’s Go!
Back in the day, Steve used to be a Youth Minister. With that in mind, there’s a saying that goes, “Once a Youth Minister, always a Youth Minister.” Steve agrees. He’s always had a heart for reaching out to Youth. He just hasn’t always had the right opportunities available that fits his schedule. It is his hope to start utilizing this page for that very reason. It will be an ever-developing page with teachings and articles geared for teenagers and teenagers at heart.
Satan’s Little Season
How much prophecy has yet to be fulfilled? There are some who believe that all or most events prophesied in the Bible have already come to pass. Is this view founded in The Word or is it a spiritualization, a misunderstanding, or a case of not having eyes to see or...
Jesus Fulfilled the Law
What did Jesus mean when He said He came to fulfill the law? How do you know if your definition of "fulfill" is the same as His? Take a moment to see if your understanding of the topic matches with our savior's.
For Goodness Sake – Updated and Expanded
God gave His Torah. Is the Torah a curse or a blessing? In this concise teaching Steve presents the evidence. Join in to hone your understanding and ability to discuss this important topic! Teachings Referenced:The Tutor -...
Worthy to be Persecuted – Updated and Expanded
Persecution isn't something we look forward to, but we're likely to undergo it in some way. Are you ready? Will you escape it because you believe? Join in as Steve may challenge your views on this topic, which many would prefer not to think about. Teachings...
The Narrow Gate – Updated and Expanded
One must be on the Narrow Path in order to reach the Narrow Gate, and once you arrive there, just how narrow is it? Are you on the Narrow Path just because you call yourself a "Believer?" After all, it seems everyone believes they're on it. Steve digs into the...
The Acts 15 Dilemma Updated & Revised
Acts 15 has been used by many of us, at one point or another, to say the Law has been done away with. Yet, is that understanding really true? Join us as we look a little deeper into the dilemma of Acts 15 to find out what conclusion the New Testament leaders decided...
We Have One Rabbi
There are many teachers, but who's YOUR Teacher? Is there a valid Biblical argument to support following any person as our teacher, or is 1 Corinthians 11:3 pretty clear? Steve also addresses those who site Deuteronomy 17:9-13 as support for an opposing view. We hope...
The Red Heifer Sacrifice
Yes, the Red Heifer sacrifice is Biblical, but it's NOT what others may be telling you it is! Follow Steve as he takes you through what the Bible says and how it affects our understanding in light of today's events. Links referenced in this teaching: Second Passover -...
Time Alone
When you really want to get to know someone, you spend time with that person. It’s true with any relationship. And that includes our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Are you more engaged in activities ABOUT Him than WITH Him? This week, Steve challenges us to...
If we allow righteousness to be defined by anything other than Yahweh's Word, doesn't that make it relative? So, whose definition of "righteousness" do you adhere to? What does the Bible define it as? Join Steve as he unpacks this imperative topic! Other teachings...
The Hunt for Truth
Pilate asked, "What is truth?” What’s your answer to that question? Do you listen, seek, search and strive for it with all of your being? Once the Truth is revealed to us, we are well-advised to embrace it and live it out!
What Biblical knowledge and insights do you have that others may not? How do you treat others that have a different understanding from yours? Have you ever been wrong before? In this teaching, Steve points out good reasons to show others mercy in humility. Don't miss...
The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand
You may have asked yourself what the Kingdom of Heaven is, but have you ever asked where or when it is? Steve consults the scriptures to lay out the what, where, and yes, even when. Will his study match what you think about the Kingdom of Heaven? The result may...
Lead the Way
Are you a leader or a follower? Maybe you're both? In this teaching, Steve explores how we lead or don't and looks at the pitfalls of conforming compromise. Steve encourages us by weaving together insights from Yeshua to Paul and from Kinlaw to the band "Skillet" in a...
The Lost Tribes of Israel
The following is an analysis of the video "The 10 lost Tribes of Israel - Are They Really Lost" by Joel Kramer of Expedition Bible. Steve establishes the Biblical witnesses to this question Mr. Kramer brings up. Have you ever looked into this topic with a Biblically...
Doers of the Word
What does it mean to be a "doer of the Word?" You got this. Right? Are you sure you do? Starting in the book of James, Steve lays out just who Messiah says a doer of the Word is. Enjoy this concise teaching and live, or begin living, as a doer of the Word!
The Prophetic X Factor
Everyone has opinions and thoughts on how the end times will play out. However, it seems few consider how the “X” factor will play a role in their current understanding of prophecy. But what IS the “X” factor? The prophets were told about it, and our savior spoke of...
Sound Doctrine
Do you know what doctrine is? What doctrine do you follow? Is it sound? Steve lays out sound doctrine from the Word in a straight forward manner that challenges us to follow what is taught by Jesus, Paul and others in the Bible.
White Noise
Distractions come in all shapes and sizes. So what do we do to overcome them? What should we do to overcome them?
No Lies in the 144,000
The topic of the 144,000 in Revelation brings interesting conversations from many perspectives. In this teaching, Steve looks at the traits of these individuals and the misunderstanding of them just the same. Especially the trait that says, “In their mouth, no lie was...
Comfort Zone
As the saying goes, ships are safe in the harbor, but that’s not what ships are made for. Likewise, it’s nice to have a comfort zone but we can’t dwell in them 24/7. If we hope to grow any at all, we have to step out of our comfort zone and learn to grow in our...
Extreme Lives
Extreme times call for extreme lives. Are we walking in a way that shows we are Yahweh's people? Now, more than ever before, let us reinspect our lives - how we act, what we say, and what we think. Links: The Church of Sardis -...
Fishers and Hunters
Yeshua told His disciples they would be fishers of men. What many don’t understand is when the time of fishing is over, the hunting season begins. But it’s who gets hunted that should cause everyone to examine their life to the scriptures closer than ever before.
Beware of the Coming Sacrifices
Is it possible to be deceived by end-time events that appear to be from God? Steve doesn't mix messages as he lays out this Biblical proof in a way that separates man's way from the way of YHWH. Teachings Referenced:"His...
The Refiners Fire
Is it always the enemy who brings fire of tribulation to us? Did you know Tribulation can be a time of refinement? You'll want to watch Steve as he unpacks why we want to go through our refining NOW!
The Wages of Sin is Death
Working at your job, you expect to earn wages. Right? What are the wages Paul speaks of in the book of Romans? Is it possible to understand what Paul means? Yes, but the answer may surprise you! Watch this concise teaching by Steve to better understand how to earn...
What He Said
Many claim the Law was done away with by Jesus' death on the cross. Most who claim this use verses from Paul. However, have we ever looked into what Jesus said about it?Links:Faith Foundations Page
Is the Shroud of Turin the burial Cloth of Yeshua?
Is the Shroud of Turin the burial cloth of Yeshua? Steve analyzes the evidence through a Biblical focus and comes to a conclusion. Watch this concise presentation to find out if the evidence is conclusive to you.
The Bride of Messiah
Who is the Bride of Messiah? The New Jerusalem or something or someone else? Steve takes you on an exploration of who the Bride is as described in The Word. The answer may surprise you!
Was the Law Nailed to the Cross?
If the Law wasn't nailed to the cross, what was? In this teaching Steve follows the evidence verse-by-verse, as he describes what WAS nailed to the cross. Over and over it can be demonstrated the Bible is consistent from beginning to end. You'll also want to watch...
Prophecy students, and teachers, around the world question how short the tribulation will be cut. This Updated and expanded teaching not only presents a plausible case for it, but it shows how it was established through the Father of the Faith and Ezekiel long ago....
What is Torah?
Do you know what Torah is? Is it a Jewish thing to you? Is it just a label for the first five books of the Bible? In this focused teaching, Steve provides a path to understanding for those who have backed themselves into a theological corner by saying that Torah has...
The Blood of the Saints and the 70 Weeks of Daniel – Addendum
In this addendum to the original teaching, Steve presents a twist on the seventy weeks you may not have considered. As YHWH reveals more and more to His people, He's leading us all to new insights. What's the timing for the 70 weeks? How do the 69 weeks fit within...
No Unity Until…
Unity. It’s what most of us are striving for, but how will it come? When will it come? In this concise teaching, Steve provides a look into this topic that we all need to consider. Let’s talk about it!
The Blood of the Saints and the 70 Weeks of Daniel
Sometimes we make things harder than they are and often miss the plain understanding. You may want to replay this teaching more than once to grasp the possibility Steve presents in this new understanding of the 70 weeks of Daniel in the prophetic timeline. Plus, he...
The Coming First Fruits Resurrection – 2nd Edition
This short teaching offers some intriguing evidence as to why we should consider the First Fruits offering of Shavuot as a possible time for the Resurrection. Teachings referenced: The Birth Pains - The Prophetic Significance...
Obey or Disobey
Is obedience something believers should be concerned about? How far does grace take us? Is there an expectation from God on all believers to walk in obedience? These are questions we need to seriously consider and not dismiss as foolishness. Other Teachings...
Spell Check
Does your mouth get ahead of your brain? Do your actions sometimes outpace your reason? In this brief teaching, Steve encourages us to choose wisely. Teaching mentioned:
Never Give Up
Feeling tired, worn-out, or discouraged? Steve shares this message aimed at building your hope and perseverance. Be strong, Soldier of YHWH!
A Review of Messiah 2030
Messiah 2030 is a new video gaining popularity in the eschatology arena. In reviewing this growing popular video, Steve discusses how alternative years could be realized from the same scriptural patterns it reveals. Even if you’ve already seen Messiah 2030, you’ll...
As in the Days of Noah – 4th Edition
The Days of Noah bear far more weight to understanding the return of Yeshua than many realize. This 4th edition of this teaching digs deep into some new eye-opening elements pointing to the timing of the flood and just what it means for the New Covenant. Teachings...
FirstFruits and Shavuot
FirstFruits and Shavuot (a.k.a. Pentecost) - Steve describes what they are, their significance, their timing and how to generally observe them. As always, you may also gain new insight from the lessor known aspects presented in this short teaching. We hope this...
Passover and Unleavened Bread
New to Torah? Confused about how to observe Yahweh's feasts or maybe looking for a refresher course? In this short teaching Steve not only covers the basics to Passover and Unleavened Bread, he reveals some hidden gems you may not have considered. See for yourself!...
What Kind of People Ought You To Be?
In this world of "interesting" days we live in, how should we focus our lives? Steve points us to Peter for inspiration as we "look forward to the day of God and speed it's coming." As things unravel around you, what kind of person will you be?
The Last Daze
Are you concerned by the wide path of chaos in current world conditions? Step out from the Daze of the enemy and into the narrow path during these last days.
The Prayer Warrior
(CORRECTION: Should say Colossians chapter 4, not 2.) Who does Steve hold-up as an example for what a "Prayer Warrior" looks like? In this short teaching, Steve gets straight to the point and challenges us all with an example out of Colossians.
What is the Idol of Jealousy?
The English translations of the Bible speak of an idol of Jealousy found in the book of Ezekiel. How many times have we read right over it because it didn’t make sense to us? Well, this teaching shows there's more than meets the English eye in Ezekiel chapter 8.
Life Audit
Steve encourages you to take a life audit, TODAY! He explains what it is, what it shows and why it matters. Find out what the Bible says about this.
The Tutor – 3rd Edition
There are many who refer to the tutor in Galatians Chapter 3 as being the law of Moses. Thus, implying the Law is done away with. In this 3rd edition of this teaching, Steve doubles the teaching to give more clarity on the topic to see just what the tutor really is....
What can we do on the Sabbath?
The Biblical Sabbath. We started in part one with how the Sabbath still applies today. In this teaching we continue from part 2 with how to properly observe it. Topics include traveling, cooking, buying and even the definition of a day. This is a great teaching for...
How Do We Keep the Sabbath?
In this second part of a three part teaching on the Biblical Sabbath, find out it's purpose and what we should do to properly observe it. This is a great teaching for those interested in exploring the Bible for the first time or a seasoned...
Is the Sabbath for Today?
Whether you're interested in exploring the Bible for the first time or looking for a refresher, Steve shows how Scripture defines itself. In this first of a three part teaching on the Biblical Sabbath, find out if Sabbath is to be observed...
A Response to Mr Solberg on The Tutor
First, we need to make a correction. Mr. Solberg's first name is Rob, not Mark. ; ) In this teaching, Steve makes a response to another who has accused his teaching titled “The Tutor” as being unbiblical. Steve has taken the time to respond...
In Tears
In this newly updated and expanded teaching, you'll gain insight into the the Great Commission in a way that can transform your life as a true "good and faithful servant." Learn what's needed to carry out our Messiah's call. As you listen and...
Spirit And Truth
Is worshiping in 'Spirit and Truth' what we think it is? What do the experts say? You know, the experts like Moses, John and Paul. Oh, and then there's the words of Yeshua, our Messiah, himself. This teaching will give you more understanding...
When examining the dialog between Nicodemus and Yeshua, we see how Nicodemus was confronted with his love for his religion over his desire to follow Messiah. Does the Pharisee's 'denomination' differ from yours? Have you inspected your own...
The Hour of Trial
Though we believe the first resurrection will take place before the tribulation, this doesn’t mean persecution isn’t coming. In fact, scripture speaks of a time when believers will be persecuted and even martyred for the Faith. Yet,...
Dust in the Wind
Everyone wants their name written in the book of life. But what happens to those who willfully turn away from YHWH’s word? Yeshua seems to make it pretty clear.
God Can Use Me
The enemy will do all he can to make you think YHWH can’t use you. Why? Because he’d rather keep you out of the fight instead of fighting you. What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you lots to...
Humility can be a hard pill for some to swallow. But if we’re going to be a follower of Yeshua, it’s a must.What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you lots to think about and consider! Wake up oh...
This is a Test
We experience tests every day. Some are little. Some are big. But what we need to understand is how the life we live is the biggest test of all. What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you lots...
The Day of Atonement in Prophecy – Third Edition
When and how the end times will play out has been the quest of every prophecy student. This teaching offers some pieces of the puzzle that every student of the scriptures will want to examine. Take 35 minutes and consider some perspectives...
The “Dangers” of Torahism Part 9
In this ninth and final part of the series, Steve addresses the many errors from a podcast that accuses those who believe in pursuing the Torah to be in the wrong. Arguments that sound good on the surface are found sincerely wanting as we use...
The Dangers of “Torahism” Part 8
In this eighth of the series, Steve addresses the many errors from a podcast that accuses those who believe in pursuing the Torah to be in the wrong. Arguments that sound good on the surface are found sincerely wanting as we use scripture to...
The Dangers of “Torahism” Part 7
In this seventh of the series, Steve addresses the many errors from a podcast that accuses those who believe in pursuing the Torah to be in the wrong. Arguments that sound good on the surface are found sincerely wanting as we use scripture to...
The Dangers of “Torahism” part 6
In this sixth of the series, Steve addresses the many errors from a podcast that accuses those who believe in pursuing the Torah to be in the wrong. Arguments that sound good on the surface are found sincerely wanting as we use scripture to...
The Dangers of “Torahism” Part 5
In this fifth of the series, Steve addresses the many errors from a podcast that accuses those who believe in pursuing the Torah to be in the wrong. Arguments that sound good on the surface are found sincerely wanting as we use scripture to...
The Dangers of “Torahism” Part 4
In this fourth of the series, Steve addresses the many errors from a podcast that accuses those who believe in pursuing the Torah to be in the wrong. Arguments that sound good on the surface are found sincerely wanting as we use scripture to...
The Dangers of “Torahism” Part 3
In this third of the series, Steve addresses the many errors from a podcast that accuses those who believe in pursuing the Torah to be in the wrong. Arguments that sound good on the surface are found sincerely wanting as we use scripture to...
The Dangers of “Torahism” Part 2
In this second of the series, Steve addresses the many errors from a podcast that accuses those who believe in pursuing the Torah to be in the wrong. Arguments that sound good on the surface are found sincerely wanting as we use scripture to...
The Dangers of “Torahism” Part 1
In this first of several to come, Steve addresses the many errors from a podcast that accuses those who believe in pursuing the Torah to be in the wrong. Arguments that sound good on the surface are found sincerely wanting as we use scripture...
The Two Witnesses and the Times of the End
For the first time ever, Steve discusses who the two witnesses could be. Plus, he shows how we may know when they could begin their time of ministry and what could precede that time. Other teachings referred to:Satan’s Greatest...
Exodus to Mt. Sinai
We were delighted to have Pamela Laurion join our fellowship for this awesome presentation. She shares many of the findings from the research team she was a part of at the original Mt. Sinai. We thoroughly enjoyed and we know you will too!
The Anti-Christ
There are many different views and understandings concerning the Anti-Christ. This short teaching gives us a few things to consider on this often debated topic.
Beware of the Noahide Laws
While they may seem innocent and even good, the Noahide laws are being set up to be the rule of the Anti-christ. This rule will reach around the world and any Gentile who chooses to pursue Yeshua will find themselves breaking the law of the...
Who is Israel?
Understanding the true identity of Israel is paramount to understanding so many elements in the scriptures. Israel can not be replaced by anyone or anything. While many may claim they know who Israel is, only YHWH knows who makes up His true...
His Way or Your Way
Do you serve God how you want to or do you serve Him how he wants to be served? May sound like a silly question to some. However, when we look at the scriptures, it seems our Heavenly Father makes the matter clear. What others have said...
The Gospel
We often hear the phrase, “The gospel of Jesus Christ.” We consider it the foundation to the faith. However, do we know what that gospel is? What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you lots to...
Leaving Egypt
We all know the story of how YHWH delivered the Israelites from Egypt through the Passover Lamb. Then they were given the Torah to walk in His ways. However, many don’t realize the similarity of what’s expected of us today from our Passover...
No one wants to consider themselves as a stiff-necked person. However, have we ever asked ourselves what YHWH considers a stiff-necked person to be? Are we willing to change if we find our definition does line up with His? What others have...
Context, Context, Context
When it comes to reading the scriptures, context is everything. However, for some, context is assumed. It’s so easy to trust what we’ve been told the context is. But it takes time and effort to test what others tell us. (Correction - At the...
Before You Deny Him | Part 2
For 2,000 years there have been arguments opposing Yeshua as the Messiah. This teaching addresses the Virgin Birth and the surrounding debates of Isaiah chapter 7.What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It...
When the Trees are Dry
There are multiple varying views regarding the return of Yeshua. This teaching addresses a statement Yeshua made when He was actually in the process of being crucified. A statement that may shed light to the possible timing of His return.
No Law, No Light
We’re told in the scriptures that the Torah is a light for the nations. Does the light of His eternal Word shine through you? What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you...
One Seed, Four Soils
Yeshua told a parable explaining the four different conditions that every heart falls into. How seriously do we take that parable? This short teaching takes a quick look at these verses, giving reason why we might need to take a harder look...
How well do you know the scriptures? Like with any other book, misconceptions will ultimately bring wrong conclusions. Take this short quiz and test your knowledge of the scriptures. See if you might have any views or beliefs that need...
Know Your Worth!
Knowing who we are in Messiah is vital to living the life we’re called to walk in. Don’t cut yourself short. Walk in His victory today.
Start Here
When first coming to Torah, it can seem almost overwhelming. However, it’s much more simple than what others want you to believe. What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give...
Come Out of Her My People
A time is coming when Yeshua will call His people out. Will you be with those who go to meet Him? Other teachings referenced within this teaching: Church of Philadelphia...
Biblical Revival
So many are looking for a world wide end times revival. What does the Bible say about this? You might be surprised. What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you lots to...
Fruit of Wolves
The prophets and Paul warned us about wolves. Our savior instructed us to watch out for them and explained how they can be known by their fruit. Do you know how to recognize wolves? After watching this teaching, you’ll be able to...
Different Pulpits
Our Heavenly Father made us all different for a reason. Because of those differences, He gives us all different tasks. Are you pursuing what He’s given you? What others have said about this teaching... Another...
Under the Law
No one wants to be under the law. However, what does it really mean to be “under the law” and what is it that puts someone under the law? You might be surprised. What others have said about this teaching... Another...
Prepare to Meet Your God
We’ve all heard how history is cyclical. However, could Biblical history be playing out before our very eyes and we’re not even paying attention? If so, what could it mean for our future?
Lost and Found
YHWH will often speak to us through life events. This week, Steve shares a small recent event with a message behind it.
The Final Sifting
What if our Heavenly Father has begun the final sifting for those who will be in the Church of Philadelphia? Sifting for those who will be with Him in the Battle of Armageddon. Where will you stand when that time of sifting is over? ...
Hold On Loosely
The things of this world are temporary. While we know that, will we be able to accept it if or when we need to let them go?
The Coming Deception
Yeshua said a time of deception is coming. It’s a deception so strong that even the elect would be deceived if it were possible. While theories abound as to what and how the deception plays out, the bigger question is, will you be deceived?
Seek First
Righteousness is a topic that carries a variety of opinions and points of view. However, Yeshua said it’s something we’re to pursue. So what righteousness are you pursuing? What others have said about this...
To Whom Much is Given
A time is coming when we will all be judged according to what we’ve been given. Where will you stand on that day? What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you lots to...
Men of YHWH Ch. 28 – Living the Dream
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should constantly be shaping our lives to be more like our Heavenly Father. Thus, growing...
Men of YHWH Ch. 27 – Where Will You Stand?
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should constantly be shaping our lives to be more like our Heavenly Father. Thus, growing...
Men of YHWH Ch. 26 – No Comparing
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should constantly be shaping our lives to be more like our Heavenly Father. Thus, growing...
Men of YHWH Ch. 25 – Break it Up
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should constantly be shaping our lives to be more like our Heavenly Father. Thus, growing...
Men of YHWH Chapter 24 – Let Them Win
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should constantly be shaping our lives to be more like our Heavenly Father. Thus, growing...
Men of YHWH Chapter 23 – Mistakes
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should constantly be shaping our lives to be more like our Heavenly Father. Thus, growing...
Men of YHWH Chapter 22 – Tools
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should constantly be shaping our lives to be more like our Heavenly Father. Thus, growing...
Men of YHWH Chapter 21 – On the Rebound
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should constantly be shaping our lives to be more like our Heavenly Father. Thus, growing...
Men of YHWH Chapter 20 – Standing Guard
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should constantly be shaping our lives to be more like our Heavenly Father. Thus, growing...
Men of YHWH Chapter 19 – What King Are You?
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should constantly be shaping our lives to be more like our Heavenly Father. Thus, growing...
Men of YHWH Chapter 18 – Excellence
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should constantly be shaping our lives to be more like our Heavenly Father. Thus, growing...
Men of YHWH Chapter 17 – Arrows
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should constantly be shaping our lives to be more like our Heavenly Father. Thus, growing...
Men of YHWH Chapter 16 – Rise Above
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn't happen overnight. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should constantly be shaping our lives to be more like our Heavenly Father. Thus, growing...
Men of YHWH Chapter 15 – Don’t be a Fool
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn't happen over night. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should be constantly becoming more like our Heavenly Father. Continually growing into a...
Men of YHWH Chapter 14 – Esteemed
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn't happen over night. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should be constantly becoming more like our Heavenly Father. Continually growing into a...
Men of YHWH Chapter 13 – Three Things
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn't happen over night. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should be constantly becoming more like our Heavenly Father. Continually growing into a...
Men of YHWH – Chapter 12 – Sacrifice
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn't happen over night. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should be constantly becoming more like our Heavenly Father. Continually growing into a...
Men of YHWH Ch 11 – Leaving a Legacy
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn't happen over night. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should be constantly becoming more like our Heavenly Father. Continually growing into a...
Men of YHWH ch. 10 – Difficult Topics
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn't happen over night. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should be constantly becoming more like our Heavenly Father. Continually growing into a...
Men of YHWH Ch 9: Seasons of Life
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn't happen over night. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should be constantly becoming more like our Heavenly Father. Continually growing into a...
Men of YHWH – Ch. 8 – Overcoming Lust – part 2
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn't happen over night. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should be constantly becoming more like our Heavenly Father. Continually growing into a...
Men of YHWH – Ch. 7 – Overcoming Lust
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn't happen over night. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should be constantly becoming more like our Heavenly Father. Continually growing into a...
Men of YHWH – Ch. 6 – Mighty Men
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn't happen over night. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should be constantly becoming more like our Heavenly Father. Continually growing into a...
Men of YHWH – Ch. 5 – Kings of Queens
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn't happen over night. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should be constantly becoming more like our Heavenly Father. Continually growing into a...
Men of YHWH – Ch. 4 – Dads of Girls
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn't happen over night. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should be constantly becoming more like our Heavenly...
Men of YHWH Chapter 3 – Living the Example
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn't happen over night. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should be constantly becoming more like our Heavenly...
Men of YHWH – Ch. 2 – Training our Children
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn't happen over night. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should be constantly becoming more like our Heavenly...
Men of YHWH – Ch. 1 – Teaching our Children
Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn’t happen over night. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should be constantly becoming more like our Heavenly Father. Continually growing into a man of YHWH. In this first chapter of a never ending book to come, we discuss the importance of teaching our children in the ways of YHWH.
World News Update 5-17-24
Steve looks at current events around the world and considers the ramifications they could have that many may be giving a blind eye to. Related Links: - 2nd Passover and the Coming Storm - 2nd Passover and the...
World News Update 3-22-24
Steve looks at current events around the world and considers the ramifications they could have that many may be giving a blind eye to. Related Links: – Signs in the Heavens? – 2nd Passover and the Coming Storm...
World News Update 2-2-24
Steve looks at current events at home and around the world and considers the ramifications they could have that many are giving a blind eye to. Related Links: Arizona Sheriff FBI Director Christopher Wray
World News Update 11-3-23
Steve looks at the events surrounding the current Israeli war and the concerns of what it means for the rest of the world. Related Links:
World News Update 10-13-23
Steve looks at the events surrounding the current Israeli war and links parallels found in Biblical prophecy. Related Links:- Is this the Beginning of the End? Image of the...
World News Update 9-8-23
Steve takes a break from giving direct reports on world news to share concerns and observations on what many current events taking place around the world could be pointing to. Related Links:- The 400 of Abraham The Day of...
World News Update 6-9-23
This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 6-9-23.
World News Update 3-24-23
This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 3-24-23. LInk:
World News Update 2-24-23
This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 2-24-23.
World News Update 1-20-23
This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 1-20-23. Noted Links: Chat GPT: Reuters -...
World News Update 11-4-22
This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 11-4-22. Noted Links: ...
World News Update 6-24-22
This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 6-24-22. Noted Link:
World News Update 5-13-22
This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 5-13-22.
World News Update 4-1-22
This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 4-1-22.
World News Update 1-21-22
This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 1-21-22.
World News Update 8-20-21
This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 8-20-21. Links referenced in this video: CNN Reporter: (1 min) Dr. Zelenko: (30 min)...
World News Update 4-23-2021
This is a short report that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 4-23-21.
World News Update 2-19-21
This is a short message that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 2-19-21.
World News Update 11-25-20
This is a short message that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 11-25-20. NBC ABC...
World News Update 7-17-20
This is a short message that addresses several issues at hand in current events as of 7-17-20.
World News Update 3-13-20
In light of events taking place around the world in recent weeks, we have a short message in response to the concerns of many people.
Under Construction
When we think about it, we’re all under construction. We’re all learning and growing, no matter how old we are. Since that’s the case, what should our attitudes be towards one another? How should we treat one another? Steve looks into this topic that all ages need to...
Extreme Lives
In this world we live in today, doing extreme things has become the norm for many people. However, Biblically speaking, what does it take to live the extreme life? Steve visits the Railyard in Rogers, AR. to discuss the topic.
Strong Finish
Life is filled with ups and downs. It’s filled with mountain top experiences and the valleys. Somedays we do good, other days we don’t. Sometimes it’s hard to mentally overcome our failures of the past. So how do we make sure we have a strong finish to life amid the...
Un-Civil War
Until Yeshua returns, there will always be disagreements. How we work through those disagreements is up to us. Do we allow them to divide us? Do we allow them to cause strife or dissension? If so, are we really walking as the body of...
City on a Hill
Yeshua said a city on a hill could not be hidden. Join Steve in this short teaching as he visits the city Yeshua was referring to when He made that statement to His disciples. Consider the ramifications of what can happen if we don’t follow...
Seasons come and go. However, letting go of some seasons in our life can be a difficult thing for many. YHWH brings change in our life for our good. How well do you do when that change comes in your life?
Run! Don’t Walk
Running the race we are called to live is not always that easy. We often temped to slow down or even just turn it into a walk for whatever reason. Join in for this short teaching as Steve addresses the topic of running the race of life.
Water Under the Bridge
Steve addresses a topic that very few people like to talk about. Forgiveness. Oh, everybody wants to be forgiven. Yet, when it comes to forgiving others, well, that's a different topic. Take a few minutes to consider this short teaching.
Dating 101
It seems the most common thing on the average teenagers' mind is dating. So is that wrong? Not at all. However, are there other things that they could or even should be focusing on? Absolutely. This short teaching gives some things to dwell...
The End Times
Let's Go! Teaching for Youth.
Because You’re Young
Let's Go! Teaching for Youth. It seems that the youth are almost always looked down upon with little respect. Have you ever felt that to be true for you? Why do you think that is the case? What steps are you willing to take to change that in...
Poo Poo
"Let's Go!" is a teaching series just for teens! In a world where we are bombarded with advertisements to get this or buy that, Steve brings a perspective that few consider. There can be "things" in our life that we may allow to take a...
Iron 2 Iron
In this series, Steve and Gus go into the teaching with no idea of the topic that will be discussed. Both will dive into the topic with a thought provoking and entertaining conversation to quickly build after.
Torah 101
A series for growing in Torah.
Live teachings at conferences Steve has been a part of.
Youth Events
Live teachings done at Youth Events Steve has been invited to.
Who is Gus?
In this episode, Steve interviews his Iron 2 Iron co-host, Gus, through a conversation that should give viewers a snapshot of who he is and what motivates him through the adventures of life.
What role does Simcha (joy) play in your everyday life? Join Steve and Gus as they discuss Simcha and how our Creator defines it, describes it and desires it from us. If you don't have it, join Yahweh's people and get it. It's never too late! Teachings refenced in...
Are you ready to go to war? What about a civil War? Join Steve and Gus as they use the Bible to support their 'revolutionary' thoughts in this Iron 2 Iron conversation. Get ready for the apocalypse. Links to Teachings mentioned:- Uncivil...
Who’s Steve
Steve ("Just Steve") Moutria talks about his upbringing, married life and faith-journey in this unscripted Iron 2 Iron interview. With humility, deep meaning, and a bit of humor, Steve shares the excitement and gravity of his Torah Family mission, as Yahweh began...
The guys tackle a great subject from 'The Cup of Unknown Topics': 'Obey.' While producing this video, they even unlearn an inherited understanding. Join the fun as Steve and Gus enjoy sharpening each other in this unscripted conversation. We hope and pray you'll laugh...
Steve and Gus tackle the topic of "deliverance" after drawing it from the Cup of Many Topics. What do YOU say deliverance is...or isn't? Follow along as the guys enjoy building on each other's current understanding after only 5 minutes of off-camera time to study.
Covenant Revisited
In our next episode of Iron 2 Iron, Steve and Gus revisit the topic of “covenant.” The last time it was discussed they went into it by way of it being a randomly selected topic. Though this is a subject that truly deserves multiple hours to...
In this fourth episode of Iron 2 Iron, Steve and Gus randomly select the topic of “ Understanding.” Both dive into the topic with a thought provoking and entertaining conversation to quickly build after.
In our third episode of Iron 2 Iron, Steve and Gus go into the teaching with no idea of the topic that will be discussed. The topic that gets randomly selected is “Covenant.” After the topic is picked, they pause to gather their thoughts and...
In this episode of Iron 2 Iron, Steve and Gus talk about the element of fear in our lives.
Testing the Spirits
In our first episode ever of Iron 2 Iron, Steve and Gus go into the teaching with no idea of the topic that will be discussed. The topic that gets randomly selected is “Testing the Spirits.” They both jump right into it with a great...
What is Torah?
Do you know what Torah is? Is it a Jewish thing to you? Is it just a label for the first five books of the Bible? In this focused teaching, Steve provides a path to understanding for those who have backed themselves into a theological corner by saying that Torah has...
FirstFruits and Shavuot
FirstFruits and Shavuot (a.k.a. Pentecost) - Steve describes what they are, their significance, their timing and how to generally observe them. As always, you may also gain new insight from the lessor known aspects presented in this short teaching. We hope this...
Passover and Unleavened Bread
New to Torah? Confused about how to observe Yahweh's feasts or maybe looking for a refresher course? In this short teaching Steve not only covers the basics to Passover and Unleavened Bread, he reveals some hidden gems you may not have considered. See for yourself!...
What can we do on the Sabbath?
The Biblical Sabbath. We started in part one with how the Sabbath still applies today. In this teaching we continue from part 2 with how to properly observe it. Topics include traveling, cooking, buying and even the definition of a day. This is a great teaching for...
How Do We Keep the Sabbath?
In this second part of a three part teaching on the Biblical Sabbath, find out it's purpose and what we should do to properly observe it. This is a great teaching for those interested in exploring the Bible for the first time or a seasoned...
Is the Sabbath for Today?
Whether you're interested in exploring the Bible for the first time or looking for a refresher, Steve shows how Scripture defines itself. In this first of a three part teaching on the Biblical Sabbath, find out if Sabbath is to be observed...
Sacrifice – A Daily Thing
Have you taken the time to study Biblical sacrifice? We're not just talking about the prescribed animal sacrifices, but the sacrifice of YOUR life to HIM? In this message, Steve tells it like it is, defining what a sacrifice should be in a life dedicated to God. Watch...
As For Me and My House – When do Traditions Cross the Line?
"That's not what it means to me.” That's the common response regarding the debates around Christmas. Many videos today will say this holiday tradition is harmless. However, what do the scriptures say? Check your understanding of history and the Bible as Steve digs...
A Call to Battle
What are you letting into your life? WHO are you letting in your life? In this impassioned message presented at Torah Family fellowship, Steve asks us to be sure we are prepared for this critical spiritual battle and actively engaged.
Rise Up from the Dust
Despite our past, and even our present, YHWH can use us mightily if we choose to follow Him. Will you choose Him today and let Him start preparing you for all He has in store for your life? Steve presents this powerful message at the Feast of Sukkot. You don’t want to...
I Got Your 6
Steve delivers a powerful sermon at the Feast of Sukkot. You don't want to miss this!
Everything that Hinders
What hinders you? Ministering from one of his favorite chapters, Steve presents a message of conviction and hope in this message leading into the Day of Atonement. Are you willing to challenge yourself in honesty and love through His Spirit and His Truth?
How Do We Live The Gospel?
In this third and final teaching at Camp Mashiach, Steve presents a heart-filled call for living the Gospel. How do we do this? Join us and find out. This teaching is a must-see for all believers.
How Do We Defend the Gospel?
In this second of three teachings at Camp Mashiach, Steve addresses the basics of planting seeds of Truth. This teaching needs to be understood by all believers.
What is the Gospel?
In this first of three teachings at Camp Mashiach, Steve addresses the basics of what Gospel Yeshua preached. This teaching is fundamental and needs to be understood by all believers.
No Reservation for those with a Reservation
In this 25 minute message, Steve discusses the coming Joy we'll have in the coming kingdom and how we shouldn't let ANYTHING keep us from it.
Images of Shavuot
Spoken at a Shavuot gathering, Steve reveals how this Holy Day on YHWH’s calendar is referenced in the end times. Though the message is short, it’s one that leaves you thinking.
This Little Light of Mine
While doing all we can to be separate from the world, we are still called to be a light to the world. So how do we balance this task of being set apart from that which we are called to reach? Steve addressed that very topic in this message...
The Prophetic Significance of Shavuot
Most people know how Shavuot, Pentecost, is the day when the Holy Spirit came down in the 2nd chapter of Acts. Many know how that day is the anniversary of when YHWH entered into covenant with all 12 tribes of Israel in Exodus 24. Knowing...
Declaring the End from the Beginning
In this teaching, Steve gives a general overview in explaining how the Tribulation may actually only last 6 months. Snickering? Listen to Steve's presentation and you will see it truly has Biblical support to be considered. While addressing...
Where are the Weeping Prophets?
It seems many today like to think of themselves in the light of a prophet who declares the word of YHWH. It's as if they believe they have the right or even "calling" to condemn others for not following the scriptures. Take the next 30...
It’s Time to Raze Hell
Spoken at the United in Torah Ministries conference in San Diego California, Steve presents a message on what it takes to destroy the works of Hell in our lives.
How Do We Live The Gospel?
In this third and final teaching at Camp Mashiach, Steve presents a heart-filled call for living the Gospel. How do we do this? Join us and find out. This teaching is a must-see for all believers.
How Do We Defend the Gospel?
In this second of three teachings at Camp Mashiach, Steve addresses the basics of planting seeds of Truth. This teaching needs to be understood by all believers.
What is the Gospel?
In this first of three teachings at Camp Mashiach, Steve addresses the basics of what Gospel Yeshua preached. This teaching is fundamental and needs to be understood by all believers.
Steve addresses a youth conference with a hard hitting message by asking who we serve and allow to influence our life.
Stand Firm
Steve addresses a youth conference with a hard hitting message of standing firm in the faith in this world of compromise..
You Can Do This
Challenges come our way every day. Sometimes intimidation wants to make us cower under the pressure of those confrontations. But that’s just what the enemy wants. Steve gives a message to remind everyone that you can do everything YHWH has...
In a world that focuses on self and self-promotion while striving to climb the ladder of success, we are called to walk a different path. So, are we? Take 30 minutes and find what it takes to be limitless in our walk with our Heavenly...
All Dressed up and Nowhere to go
Steve delivers this last message at Camp Mashiach straight to the heart of every believer on what it means to be strong in YHWH.
Steve delivers a powerful message at the 2018 Camp Mashiach on what it takes to live the example to those around us. Though this message was delivered to teens, it applies to all ages.
Written teachings that do not have a video.
Full Length
Longer than normal teachings.
Fellowship Gatherings
Live teachings done at different fellowship gatherings.
Live Interviews
A collection of interviews done on on podcasts and other YouTube channels.
The Last Day of Sukkot
This newly updated article is a MUST read for all believers! We’ve all pondered when things could begin to play out for the end times. This article may help shed some light. The Last Day of Sukkot UPDATED 10-3-2023
The Added 45 Days of the 1,335
If you enjoy studying end-time topics, we believe you may find this of interest. This short read looks into the added 45 days of the 1,335 days of Daniel 12. The Added 45 Days of the 1,335
Many have questioned why we have changed our position from believing in a post-tribulation resurrection to a pretribulation resurrection. In efforts to help others see our understanding on this topic, we have written this article. We pray it helps. ...
No More Delay
The following PDF is an outline of a possible scenario in how things could play out in the end times. Though this timeline is noted with specified timing, the goal is to consider how something of this nature could play out in any year. May we all learn and glean from...
Knowing the Day
So many are quick to say we can't know the day when Yeshua returns. Several scriptures are used to defend this understanding. However, what if that understanding isn't correct? What if our Messiah's words have been misunderstood? This article will shed some light on...
Shavuot out of Egypt
This short but eye opening article answers several questions surrounding Shavuot. It also looks at the possibilities of how Shavuot could play a role in the end times. A necessary read for all believers! Shavuot out of Egypt - Updated 5-11-18
Calendar Confusion
It seems there will always be calendar discussions and disagreements. I was recently presented with a view that I have yet to find Biblical proof was wrong. So I am presenting it here for your review. May we always have a...
Pharisees vs. Sadducees – Life after Death
If you would prefer to download this teaching in AUDIO form and listen at your convenience, please right-click (mobile users, press-and-hold) the following link and select "Save-As" to download. It is believed by some that Hell does not...
The Need for Forgiveness
Forgiving others can be difficult at times. In fact, it can be down right hard. Yet, is that an excuse to not forgive? Is there ANY excuse to not forgive others when they offend us? What does the Word tell us...
Sacrifice – A Daily Thing
Have you taken the time to study Biblical sacrifice? We're not just talking about the prescribed animal sacrifices, but the sacrifice of YOUR life to HIM? In this message, Steve tells it like it is, defining what a sacrifice should be in a life dedicated to God. Watch...
As For Me and My House – When do Traditions Cross the Line?
"That's not what it means to me.” That's the common response regarding the debates around Christmas. Many videos today will say this holiday tradition is harmless. However, what do the scriptures say? Check your understanding of history and the Bible as Steve digs...
A Call to Battle
What are you letting into your life? WHO are you letting in your life? In this impassioned message presented at Torah Family fellowship, Steve asks us to be sure we are prepared for this critical spiritual battle and actively engaged.
Rise Up from the Dust
Despite our past, and even our present, YHWH can use us mightily if we choose to follow Him. Will you choose Him today and let Him start preparing you for all He has in store for your life? Steve presents this powerful message at the Feast of Sukkot. You don’t want to...
I Got Your 6
Steve delivers a powerful sermon at the Feast of Sukkot. You don't want to miss this!
Everything that Hinders
What hinders you? Ministering from one of his favorite chapters, Steve presents a message of conviction and hope in this message leading into the Day of Atonement. Are you willing to challenge yourself in honesty and love through His Spirit and His Truth?
No Reservation for those with a Reservation
In this 25 minute message, Steve discusses the coming Joy we'll have in the coming kingdom and how we shouldn't let ANYTHING keep us from it.
The Real Mt Sinai
Many have heard of Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia. Join Steve and one of the team members as they share the adventure and the incredible NEW finds from their team's research expedition. You won't be disappointed!Teachings noted:The Golden Calf and the End Times -...
Is this the Beginning of the End?
Steve presents this message on the day Israel was attacked on October 7th and looks at the event through the prophetic writings. Related article:The Last Day of Sukkot
We can do This!
Steve presents a short, but critical message on the importance of coming together as one in our Messiah. Delivered at the TorahFamily Shavuot gathering.
Weight of the World
In this short message from our Sukkot of 2022, Steve addresses how we should live our lives in overcoming the pressures of the world we live in.
Images of Shavuot
Spoken at a Shavuot gathering, Steve reveals how this Holy Day on YHWH’s calendar is referenced in the end times. Though the message is short, it’s one that leaves you thinking.
Exodus to Mt. Sinai
We were delighted to have Pamela Laurion join our fellowship for this awesome presentation. She shares many of the findings from the research team she was a part of at the original Mt. Sinai. We thoroughly enjoyed and we know you will too!
Where Do We Grow From Here?
We all long to see YHWH move in our life. However, He may be waiting on us before He actually does. Humbling ourselves is always the first step in the right direction.
Mark of Messiah vs. Mark of the Beast
There’s been much speculation over the years as to what the mark of the beast will be. That topic has been kicked into high gear with the release of recent vaccines. Steve addresses this topic head on to give us elements to pray over as we...
Tribulation Vs. The Great Tribulation
Going through hard times is something Yeshua said we should expect in this life. But what’s the difference between tribulation and the Great Tribulation? Are there parallels between Moses and Yeshua pointing to how things could be cut short...
The 11th Month
There’s seems to always be a different angle to view prophecy. A different perspective. A different understanding to consider. As we all do our best in seeking a better comprehension of the scriptures regarding prophecy, this short teaching...
Never Stop Asking, “What if?”
Steve gives some quick thoughts at the TorahFamily Fellowship on how a video shared with him ties with some teachings he’s made in recent years. The bottom line is, never stop asking, “What if?"
Little Victories
Sometimes life can seem overwhelming. Sometimes life can seem too much to try and get things “right,” as we place expectations on ourselves that are truly out of reach. Those are the times when we need to stop and realize we should take life...
Fix Your Eyes… Squirrel!
Distractions come in all shapes and sizes. They can happen in the most inconvenient of times, and they may not always be from the enemy. How focused are you? Are you determined to stay the course?
Prayer is a topic that could be ministered on for hours and still never scratch the surface of the subject. It’s a topic that every believer knows we need and yet something every believer struggles with. Join Steve in this message where we...
Aliens and Strangers
How easy it is for us to live in this world and blend right in. Many times we don't even realize we are mixing our lives with all that surrounds us. We are called to be the ones who stand out. We are called to make a difference in this...
2nd Passover and the Coming Storm
2nd Passover is often looked over as insignificant. However, this teaching will show how not only is that not the case, but it could be the time Yeshua comes for His bride. This teaching was recorded in Oregon and closes out with a Q&A...
7 Ducks in a Muddy River
Pride is a powerful force. It can creep into one's life ever so gently and disguise itself in so many ways. If left undetected and truthfully acknowledged, it will steal the life and blessings right out from under you. Join Steve in this...
In Training
Steve presents a message at an assembly on how going through hard times is never fun. However, they are needed far more than what we want to admit. They form and shape us and are allowed into our lives by the Father for our good and His...
Streams of Tears
Steve presents a message at an assembly on reaching out to those the Father has placed in our lives.
The Desire for the Coming Third Temple
Discussions of the third temple, sacrifices, and the ark of the covenant continues to steadily increase around the world. They’re most often looked upon with a positive perspective. In today’s conversation, Scott Harwell joins Steve as they consider just what...
When the Sealing of the Saints Will Happen
The prophet Haggai tells us EXACTLY when the saints are sealed. It just so happens that day on the Hebrew Calendar falls on Christmas this year. But that's not all. There's many other elements that need to be considered. Are they just patterns to look for in the...
Shavuot, the Days of Noah, and Yeshua’s Ascension
Steve joins Scott Harwell in a discussion on the importance of the 10 days before Shavuot(Pentecost). A great conversation to listen in on! Other teachings referenced:- As in the Days of Noah - The 2nd...
The Prophetic Significance of 2nd Passover
Steve joins Scott Harwell in a discussion on the importance of 2nd Passover and the prophetic role it may play in the end times. A great conversation to listen in on! Other teachings referenced:- The 2nd Exodus - Grafted In -...
An End Times Interview
Steve is interviewed by Maria Nikolaidi of Greece on his current End-Times understandings. Once a new-ager, Maria now follows Yeshua and is Torah Pursuant. Many perspectives and questions are covered during their time.
Countdown to Armageddon
Steve joins Scott Harwell in a conversation on how close we could be to seeing end-time events. Could we be years away or as close as even weeks away from seeing things getting serious? This is an excellent conversation as both bring various views to be considered.
Current Events Discussion with the Guys at Sabbath Lounge
Steve joins the guys at Sabbath Lounge for a discussion on current events around the world and consider their relevance through the scriptures.
A Visit With the Guys at Sabbath Lounge
Steve visits with Matt and Jake on Sabbath Lounge, touching on a range of topics. Sit back and cozy-up with a cup of your favorite warm beverage and enjoy the visit.
The Coming Alien Invasion and Bible Prophecy
Steve joins Gene Porter at the podcast of “2,730 Years and Counting” in an eye opening interview. This video shows how Bible prophecy could point to a coming “alien deception” and it may not be too long until it happens. Other teachings...
Signs in the Heavens?
Many have been talking about the eclipse of August 21 and the constellation of Virgo with September 23. There are those who have been declaring warnings. There are those who completely dismiss them altogether in an almost mocking fashion....
End-Times Q and A
A bit of our Q & A session during the recent "Declaring the End From the Beginning" conference. We hope you find this insightful and pray the Father blesses you.