What did Jesus mean when He said He came to fulfill the law? How do you know if your definition of "fulfill" is the same as His? Take a moment to see if your understanding of the topic matches with our savior's.

This page is for teachings that examine the many doctrines that we have been taught over the years. Things we have learned from others in our walk with our heavenly Father. It’s difficult to think that we may be holding onto teachings that are contrary to the eternal Word. Join us as we discover the truth of the scriptures and challenge the traditional doctrines of mainstream Christianity.
What did Jesus mean when He said He came to fulfill the law? How do you know if your definition of "fulfill" is the same as His? Take a moment to see if your understanding of the topic matches with our savior's.
God gave His Torah. Is the Torah a curse or a blessing? In this concise teaching Steve presents the evidence. Join in to hone your understanding and ability to discuss this important topic! Teachings Referenced:The Tutor -...
Persecution isn't something we look forward to, but we're likely to undergo it in some way. Are you ready? Will you escape it because you believe? Join in as Steve may challenge your views on this topic, which many would prefer not to think about. Teachings...
One must be on the Narrow Path in order to reach the Narrow Gate, and once you arrive there, just how narrow is it? Are you on the Narrow Path just because you call yourself a "Believer?" After all, it seems everyone believes they're on it. Steve digs into the...
Acts 15 has been used by many of us, at one point or another, to say the Law has been done away with. Yet, is that understanding really true? Join us as we look a little deeper into the dilemma of Acts 15 to find out what conclusion the New Testament leaders decided...
Many have heard of Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia. Join Steve and one of the team members as they share the adventure and the incredible NEW finds from their team's research expedition. You won't be disappointed!Teachings noted:The Golden Calf and the End Times -...
If we allow righteousness to be defined by anything other than Yahweh's Word, doesn't that make it relative? So, whose definition of "righteousness" do you adhere to? What does the Bible define it as? Join Steve as he unpacks this imperative topic! Other teachings...
Pilate asked, "What is truth?” What’s your answer to that question? Do you listen, seek, search and strive for it with all of your being? Once the Truth is revealed to us, we are well-advised to embrace it and live it out!
You may have asked yourself what the Kingdom of Heaven is, but have you ever asked where or when it is? Steve consults the scriptures to lay out the what, where, and yes, even when. Will his study match what you think about the Kingdom of Heaven? The result may...
The following is an analysis of the video "The 10 lost Tribes of Israel - Are They Really Lost" by Joel Kramer of Expedition Bible. Steve establishes the Biblical witnesses to this question Mr. Kramer brings up. Have you ever looked into this topic with a Biblically...
What does it mean to be a "doer of the Word?" You got this. Right? Are you sure you do? Starting in the book of James, Steve lays out just who Messiah says a doer of the Word is. Enjoy this concise teaching and live, or begin living, as a doer of the Word!
Do you know what doctrine is? What doctrine do you follow? Is it sound? Steve lays out sound doctrine from the Word in a straight forward manner that challenges us to follow what is taught by Jesus, Paul and others in the Bible.
Yeshua told His disciples they would be fishers of men. What many don’t understand is when the time of fishing is over, the hunting season begins. But it’s who gets hunted that should cause everyone to examine their life to the scriptures closer than ever before.
Working at your job, you expect to earn wages. Right? What are the wages Paul speaks of in the book of Romans? Is it possible to understand what Paul means? Yes, but the answer may surprise you! Watch this concise teaching by Steve to better understand how to earn...
Many claim the Law was done away with by Jesus' death on the cross. Most who claim this use verses from Paul. However, have we ever looked into what Jesus said about it?Links:Faith Foundations Pagehttps://torahfamily.org/category/faith-foundations/
If the Law wasn't nailed to the cross, what was? In this teaching Steve follows the evidence verse-by-verse, as he describes what WAS nailed to the cross. Over and over it can be demonstrated the Bible is consistent from beginning to end. You'll also want to watch...
Is obedience something believers should be concerned about? How far does grace take us? Is there an expectation from God on all believers to walk in obedience? These are questions we need to seriously consider and not dismiss as foolishness. Other Teachings...
In this world of "interesting" days we live in, how should we focus our lives? Steve points us to Peter for inspiration as we "look forward to the day of God and speed it's coming." As things unravel around you, what kind of person will you be?
Are you concerned by the wide path of chaos in current world conditions? Step out from the Daze of the enemy and into the narrow path during these last days.
There are many who refer to the tutor in Galatians Chapter 3 as being the law of Moses. Thus, implying the Law is done away with. In this 3rd edition of this teaching, Steve doubles the teaching to give more clarity on the topic to see just what the tutor really is....
First, we need to make a correction. Mr. Solberg's first name is Rob, not Mark. ; ) In this teaching, Steve makes a response to another who has accused his teaching titled “The Tutor” as being unbiblical. Steve has taken the time to respond...
Is worshiping in 'Spirit and Truth' what we think it is? What do the experts say? You know, the experts like Moses, John and Paul. Oh, and then there's the words of Yeshua, our Messiah, himself. This teaching will give you more understanding...
When examining the dialog between Nicodemus and Yeshua, we see how Nicodemus was confronted with his love for his religion over his desire to follow Messiah. Does the Pharisee's 'denomination' differ from yours? Have you inspected your own...
Everyone wants their name written in the book of life. But what happens to those who willfully turn away from YHWH’s word? Yeshua seems to make it pretty clear.
We experience tests every day. Some are little. Some are big. But what we need to understand is how the life we live is the biggest test of all. What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you lots...
In this ninth and final part of the series, Steve addresses the many errors from a podcast that accuses those who believe in pursuing the Torah to be in the wrong. Arguments that sound good on the surface are found sincerely wanting as we use...
In this eighth of the series, Steve addresses the many errors from a podcast that accuses those who believe in pursuing the Torah to be in the wrong. Arguments that sound good on the surface are found sincerely wanting as we use scripture to...
In this seventh of the series, Steve addresses the many errors from a podcast that accuses those who believe in pursuing the Torah to be in the wrong. Arguments that sound good on the surface are found sincerely wanting as we use scripture to...
In this sixth of the series, Steve addresses the many errors from a podcast that accuses those who believe in pursuing the Torah to be in the wrong. Arguments that sound good on the surface are found sincerely wanting as we use scripture to...
In this fifth of the series, Steve addresses the many errors from a podcast that accuses those who believe in pursuing the Torah to be in the wrong. Arguments that sound good on the surface are found sincerely wanting as we use scripture to...
In this fourth of the series, Steve addresses the many errors from a podcast that accuses those who believe in pursuing the Torah to be in the wrong. Arguments that sound good on the surface are found sincerely wanting as we use scripture to...
In this third of the series, Steve addresses the many errors from a podcast that accuses those who believe in pursuing the Torah to be in the wrong. Arguments that sound good on the surface are found sincerely wanting as we use scripture to...
In this second of the series, Steve addresses the many errors from a podcast that accuses those who believe in pursuing the Torah to be in the wrong. Arguments that sound good on the surface are found sincerely wanting as we use scripture to...
In this first of several to come, Steve addresses the many errors from a podcast that accuses those who believe in pursuing the Torah to be in the wrong. Arguments that sound good on the surface are found sincerely wanting as we use scripture...
We were delighted to have Pamela Laurion join our fellowship for this awesome presentation. She shares many of the findings from the research team she was a part of at the original Mt. Sinai. We thoroughly enjoyed and we know you will too!
Understanding the true identity of Israel is paramount to understanding so many elements in the scriptures. Israel can not be replaced by anyone or anything. While many may claim they know who Israel is, only YHWH knows who makes up His true...
Do you serve God how you want to or do you serve Him how he wants to be served? May sound like a silly question to some. However, when we look at the scriptures, it seems our Heavenly Father makes the matter clear. What others have said...
We often hear the phrase, “The gospel of Jesus Christ.” We consider it the foundation to the faith. However, do we know what that gospel is? What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you lots to...
We all know the story of how YHWH delivered the Israelites from Egypt through the Passover Lamb. Then they were given the Torah to walk in His ways. However, many don’t realize the similarity of what’s expected of us today from our Passover...
No one wants to consider themselves as a stiff-necked person. However, have we ever asked ourselves what YHWH considers a stiff-necked person to be? Are we willing to change if we find our definition does line up with His? What others have...
When it comes to reading the scriptures, context is everything. However, for some, context is assumed. It’s so easy to trust what we’ve been told the context is. But it takes time and effort to test what others tell us. (Correction - At the...
For 2,000 years there have been arguments opposing Yeshua as the Messiah. This teaching addresses the Virgin Birth and the surrounding debates of Isaiah chapter 7.What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It...
We’re told in the scriptures that the Torah is a light for the nations. Does the light of His eternal Word shine through you? What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you...
How well do you know the scriptures? Like with any other book, misconceptions will ultimately bring wrong conclusions. Take this short quiz and test your knowledge of the scriptures. See if you might have any views or beliefs that need...
When first coming to Torah, it can seem almost overwhelming. However, it’s much more simple than what others want you to believe. What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give...
So many are looking for a world wide end times revival. What does the Bible say about this? You might be surprised. What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you lots to...
The prophets and Paul warned us about wolves. Our savior instructed us to watch out for them and explained how they can be known by their fruit. Do you know how to recognize wolves? After watching this teaching, you’ll be able to...
Our Heavenly Father made us all different for a reason. Because of those differences, He gives us all different tasks. Are you pursuing what He’s given you? What others have said about this teaching... Another...
No one wants to be under the law. However, what does it really mean to be “under the law” and what is it that puts someone under the law? You might be surprised. What others have said about this teaching... Another...
Righteousness is a topic that carries a variety of opinions and points of view. However, Yeshua said it’s something we’re to pursue. So what righteousness are you pursuing? What others have said about this...
How much time do we have? How much time do you have? Will you be ready when time is up? What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you lots to think about and consider! Wake up...
It's always disappointing when you come down to the last minute of something important only to find out you're not as ready as you thought. So, how prepared will we be when it matters most? What others have said about...
While many consider the law of YHWH to be bondage, the Scriptures inform us it's our way to love Him. That’s why they’re the foundation to the covenant under Moses and will be the same for the New Covenant. Both covenant’s are likened unto...
For so long, it’s been taught that Yeshua came to start something new. It’s been taught that the Jews rejected Yeshua, so He created something new with the Gentiles. However, how many of us ever tested those thoughts to the scriptures? This...
Are you under the Law of Sin and Death? While many would say they aren’t, they may not have a full understanding of just what it means. This short teaching explains what it means and encourages all to examine their lives accordingly. Other...
We’re told YHWH gave living words through Moses. Words that YHWH said were life. So did YHWH do away with those words, or should we still consider them living words? What others have said about this teaching......
The time is coming when the Torah will be the law of the land, decreed and taught from Yeshua. It’ll be a time where all will see true justice. Do you see it as a time of His righteousness filling the earth or a time of bondage? ...
People use many phrases to explain why they believe we no longer need to pursue the Torah. But are these statements true? They can look good at first, but how well do they hold up against the scriptures? This short teaching looks at five...
People use many phrases to explain why they believe we no longer need to pursue the Torah. But are these statements true? They can look good at first, but how well do they hold up against the scriptures? We look at five phrases in this short...
Going through hard times is inevitable. How do we prepare ourselves for these times in life when it seems YHWH is so far away? What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give...
On multiple occasions, we’ve been asked why we don’t celebrate Christmas even though we believe in Jesus, Yeshua. So to help clarify the subject, here’s a teaching that gives the foundation to our understanding. Though this can be a...
Do you know the Savior? What’s the litmus test for us to really know if we know Him or not? Is it based on our feelings and emotions? Is it founded on how we, personally, believe the relationship should be? Or do we let the scriptures be the...
Life can get busy at times. Even when it’s not that busy, how focused are we on living our life for YHWH? What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you lots to think...
It’s been confessed by almost everyone how YHWH knows their heart. However, the greater issue is, “Do we know our heart?” What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you...
If all of the Law can’t be followed, are people breaking the Law by trying to pursue it? Is the very act of trying to obey the Torah the same thing that’s condemning them? This is an argument many try to use, and this teaching addresses...
Everyone wants to believe they're in right standing with our Heavenly Father. And maybe we are, from our own perspective. However, where does that relationship stand from His perspective? What others have said...
Many believe Romans 10:9 gives a foundation for saying a prayer that enables one to obtain salvation. However, when one looks at the surrounding text to that verse, they’ll find the Torah is the foundation of this verse. ...
Many ministers today say you’re sinning by not giving tithes to the church. Find out why that view is Biblically incorrect for our time today and learn what the Bible teaches on this topic. What others have said...
What makes someone a law-abiding citizen? It’s when they obey the laws of the land. Are you obeying the Law of the Most High? What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give...
What does it mean to be grafted in? To whom or what are we grafted into? This 28-minute teaching gives excellent insight to understanding how every believer in Yeshua is a true Israelite. This teaching is foundational and needs to be...
Do you hunger and thirst for righteousness? Before you answer that, what is your definition of “righteousness?” Does your understanding of it come from the Word or from your own thoughts and idea’s in how you were taught? Join us as we...
Are you always on the run? Do you find it hard to make time to study like you want? It’s so easy to take what someone says and accept it without examining the details when you have a busy schedule. What changes do you need to make to not be...
The famous question brought to life from a different perspective. A perspective that we believe all followers need to consider. If you long to be used by YHWH, we ask you prayerfully watch this teaching and consider the title for your life....
All believers hold to the thought that they’re walking in the faith. However, who is defining the faith you’re walking in? Are you walking in the ancient paths or the traditions of men? What others have said about...
Do you know and understand the reason for the old and new covenant found in the scriptures? Do you know and understand Yeshua’s role in them? This is a foundational study that will give you insight into the whole of scripture. ...
There's a sense of honor, respect and accomplishment for all who have served their country in military service. It’s as if they have answered their “call of duty” for their country. But what about our “call of duty” to our heavenly Father?...
What does it mean to acknowledge or deny Yeshua? It may mean much more than you believe. What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you lots to think about and consider!...
The phrase “Eye for an eye” is one that has brought much confusion over the centuries. It’s a phrase that many have used to justify their vengeance on others. However, is that the intention of these words in the Scriptures? ...
Have you accused others of walking in the curse of the law? Do you know what brings the curse of the law? Take 15 minutes to understand a critical element in better comprehending the scriptures as a whole.
Do you live on every word from our Heavenly Father? Are all His words still valid or do you hold that some were done away with? If you believe some were done away with, can you say you live on every word? What...
YHWH said Israel would be provoked to jealousy because of others. This jealousy is something Paul expounded on by way of the Gentiles being grafted in. Exactly why does this jealousy take place? Take a moment and find out how the Torah makes...
False accusations can go a long way in causing terrible misconceptions and distorting the truth. Nobody wants to be falsely accused of anything. We can’t imagine anyone wanting to falsely accuse someone either. However, this has been what's...
So many people believe faith is all that one needs to make it into the Kingdom. It seems they do all they can to defend this perspective. However, is this what the scriptures teach? Though many claim the “Faith Alone" theology, they don’t...
Disagreements over the scriptures have been around for a long time. However, it’s what we do with those disagreements that matter. Differences of opinion have a way of pulling the worst out in everyone. Yet, they have the potential to pull...
Should we compromise truth for the sake of unity? Shouldn't truth to be the source of our unity? Yeshua makes some pretty big statements about this topic. Sadly, these statements are all too quickly overlooked. ...
Yeshua said there will be people who are greater and least in the Kingdom. What are the criteria for these classes of people in the kingdom? What differentiates the least in the Kingdom from those who aren't allowed in at all? Both the Torah...
There are reasons why Yeshua said nothing from the Torah would be removed until Heaven and Earth pass away. Do you know what they are? Join Steve in this 15-minute teaching and consider how this statement from Yeshua shows the role Heaven...
There are so many opinions on how we should walk in obedience to our Heavenly Father. Yet, our focus shouldn’t be on what others are saying. Our focus should be on what we believe the Father is speaking to us individually. Steve shares his...
Did Yeshua give us a new command to follow? What would the implications be if that were true?
No one would ever think of Isaiah as a false prophet. However, if someone chooses to believe YHWH did away with His law, they are inadvertently making him just that. A false prophet. This teaching discusses this very topic. You may be...
WWJD has been around for a long time. However, how many of us have ever really stopped to think about the answer to it? You might be surprised what it is. Here's the link to the mentioned page, Faith Foundations....
The Scriptures declare YHWH is a righteous judge. That’s something most all believe. Should we think YHWH gave His law to show we don’t have the ability to follow His righteousness? If one holds to that line of thought, can He remain The...
Many have quoted Philippians 4:13 which says "I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” Have you ever wondered just what “everything” truly encompasses? You might be surprised.
Many have said the Church and Israel are two separate entities. However, when we look at the scriptures, we see YHWH has always had one people. His people. Those who chose to follow His ways. Are you a part of the assembly of YHWH?
How do you describe the Word of YHWH? What's your attitude towards it? While these may sound like foolish questions, our answer to them can determine how we live His eternal Word. This teaching presents a word of caution that every believer...
Do you believe faith is a new concept that was brought in by the New Testament? Do you believe the way of faith was established in Yeshua that did away with the law? If so, we ask you to please consider this short teaching. You’ll see how...
Many today like to accuse believers who are pursuing obedience to God’s law of just picking and choosing what commands they want to follow. But is this really the case? Why are some commands followed and other commands not followed by those...
Ever asked what the biblical definition of sin is? In a world of blurred lines between right and wrong, this teaching is an eye-opener for all who wish to live their lives for the one true God. Transcript
Many who believe the law is no longer for believers today refer to 2 Corinthians chapter 3 for their support. They claim the law is a veil and it's removed when we come to Yeshua. However, this misunderstanding of the words of Paul may prove...
Many know the verse that says Yeshua is the way, truth, and the life. However, it seems we all just pass over that so quickly. Join Steve as he digs a little deeper into examining what it means when Yeshua says He is “the way.”
Some believe YHWH set His standard of expectations too high for His people in the Old Testament. They believe He has since lowered those expectations. Watch this short teaching and see how Yeshua came to show us how to walk in the ways of...
There are many opinions on what or who evil people are. But how often have we looked into the Biblical definition to see how YHWH defines them? This teaching may change your understanding of just who "evil people" are.
For 2,000 years there have been arguments opposing Yeshua as the Messiah. This teaching addresses the very foundation that many use for that opposition. A foundation that’s not only weak, but opposes much more than they realize.
There are many people today who believe Paul preached against the Torah. They use his writings to defend this view over and over again. It's time to read the writings of Paul from the perspective they were written. To read them through a...
Just because no one can earn their salvation, it doesn't mean we shouldn't seek to please our Heavenly Father through good deeds. Right? Well, that depends on who you ask. Some say faith is all we need. Is that true? Is that all we'll be...
John 1:17 says “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” This text has caused many to believe Yeshua brought something different than what Moses did. At a quick glance, it can indeed seem that way....
We've heard many refer to Colossians chapter 2 in saying the Feast days and the Sabbath no longer apply for believers today. Join Steve as he examines the verses often cited for this understanding and see how the opposite is actually true...
Ever heard someone say Yeshua did away with the law? If this is a thought you hold to, we encourage you to take a few moments and ponder these questions from Steve. They're not hard questions. In fact, you might be surprised at how simple...
Many of us were told the Law of YHWH was done away with all our life. Making it a "fact" in our mind. That makes it hard for us to consider the possibility of anything that opposes that "fact." Join Steve in this short teaching that...
Many people have gone with the assumption that the Old Testament is all about the Law and the New Testament is all about grace. That may sound good on the surface, however, when looking at the scriptures we see something different. Join...
Have you ever asked yourself why you believe what you believe? Most all of us would say we believe and follow what the Bible instructs. However, have you truly examined that belief in depth? Or do you just trust your leaders in guiding your...
"Dance with me." These are words we don't usually imagine coming from YHWH. However, when we consider how we are to keep our lives in perfect step with him, life truly can be considered a dance. In that perspective, how well are we dancing?...
There has been many discussions and debates as to what Yeshua's sacrifice accomplished for us. In a prelude to a much larger teaching to come, Steve briefly addresses this topic in hopes to bring clarity to the issue. This is a teaching that...
Many people read Acts chapter 10 and say: “There you have it. All things are now clean for food.” Yet, they don't understand this text has nothing to do with food at all. This teaching is critical for anyone who thinks Acts 10 is about God...
The mystery of the of the Ark of the Covenant has intrigued millions over the past centuries. There are multiple theories and ideas of how the ark went missing and where it could be at this very moment. Yet, we believe there is an important...
A Professional is someone who has been schooled at a certain skill. This enables the individual to obtain an occupation through this skill. Yet, does the professional have no more need for learning after graduation? Can a master be taught by...
Few find the Old Testament exciting to read. Though reasons will vary, we have to ask ourselves just why this is the case. Could it be because we truly don't understand how the Old Testament flows with the New? If someone told you that they...
We all like to think we have a good understanding of the Scriptures and our faith. However, how do we respond when our faith is challenged? Though most of us will confess we don’t have all the answers, how do we respond when confronted with...
In order for someone to not be a Judaizer, they need to know what a Judaizer is. Most all of us have heard that term before. Yet, odds are, the Biblical definition for that term, and those like it, may not be what you think.
It is the desire of most all believers to grow in their walk with our Heavenly Father. As we draw closer in that walk, He takes us through a journey in learning His word and His voice as He speaks to our heart. In that process, we find our...