Steve’s Teachings

Being called by YHWH to teach others is not something to be taken lightly; for this reason, Steve has created the following collection of teachings through countless hours, days, weeks, months and years of prayer and study in the Scriptures. His constant prayer is to help the body of Messiah and fellow believers to grow in understanding and spiritual maturity so we can all have a better relationship with the Father.
Check back often for new teachings.


Please note that our Daily Devotions can be found here.


World News Update 5-17-24

World News Update 5-17-24

Steve looks at current events around the world and considers the ramifications they could have that many may be giving a blind eye to. Related Links: - 2nd Passover and the Coming Storm - 2nd Passover and the...

The Prophetic Significance of 2nd Passover

The Prophetic Significance of 2nd Passover

Steve joins Scott Harwell in a discussion on the importance of 2nd Passover and the prophetic role it may play in the end times. A great conversation to listen in on! Other teachings referenced:- The 2nd Exodus - Grafted In -...

The Acts 15 Dilemma Updated & Revised

The Acts 15 Dilemma Updated & Revised

Acts 15 has been used by many of us, at one point or another, to say the Law has been done away with. Yet, is that understanding really true? Join us as we look a little deeper into the dilemma of Acts 15 to find out what conclusion the New Testament leaders decided...


Off the Cuff!

Steve’s main series of teachings.



Men of YHWH

Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should constantly be shaping our lives to be more like our Heavenly Father. Thus, growing into a man of YHWH. In this 28th chapter of a never-ending book to come, we turn our attention to focusing on what YHWH has for us to grow in as individuals.



World News Update

Short reports that address several issues at hand in current events of the time of the videos.



Let’s Go!

Back in the day, Steve used to be a Youth Minister. With that in mind, there’s a saying that goes, “Once a Youth Minister, always a Youth Minister.” Steve agrees. He’s always had a heart for reaching out to Youth. He just hasn’t always had the right opportunities available that fits his schedule. It is his hope to start utilizing this page for that very reason. It will be an ever-developing page with teachings and articles geared for teenagers and teenagers at heart.


The Writings of Paul

There are many people today who believe Paul preached against the Torah. They use his writings to defend this view over and over again. ​It's time to read the writings of Paul from the perspective they were written. To read them through a...

Slow Down

Why is it so easy to find ourselves getting busy and such a task to slow down? The world we live in seems only to make it worse. Should we go with the flow or force a change to slow things down in our personal lives?

Did They Know?

Did Yeshua's killers know what they were doing? Some say they did. So they believe Yeshua didn't want His murderers forgiven. Could that be true? What does the evidence point to? What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent...

Refrigerator Worthy

Just because no one can earn their salvation, it doesn't mean we shouldn't seek to please our Heavenly Father through good deeds. Right? Well, that depends on who you ask. Some say faith is all we need. Is that true? Is that all we'll be...

Grace and Truth

John 1:17 says “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” This text has caused many to believe Yeshua brought something different than what Moses did. At a quick glance, it can indeed seem that way....

The Shadow

We've heard many refer to Colossians chapter 2 in saying the Feast days and the Sabbath no longer apply for believers today. Join Steve as he examines the verses often cited for this understanding and see how the opposite is actually true...

Away With the Law?

Ever heard someone say Yeshua did away with the law? If this is a thought you hold to, we encourage you to take a few moments and ponder these questions from Steve. They're not hard questions. In fact, you might be surprised at how simple...

The Return of the Tent

Many are looking for another temple to be made. However, what if it’s not a stone temple but rather the tent of meeting that is to be set up in the end times? Join Steve as he examines this interesting perspective. Plus, Steve looks at the...


Most everyone I know would agree Yeshua fulfilled the Law. The question is, what does that really mean? Though many may be saying the same thing, their definition of "fulfill" proves they are discussing something completely different. So...

The Ship that Couldn’t Sink

Many of us were told the Law of YHWH was done away with all our life. Making it a "fact" in our mind. That makes it hard for us to consider the possibility of anything that opposes that "fact." Join Steve in this short teaching that...

Well Done

Well Done. Those are the words everybody longs to hear once we cross over to the other side. Yet, what does it take to hear those words spoken to us? Do we have to do anything at all or is just based on faith? What does is mean to please...

The Church of Philadelphia (Remastered) + NEW Content

If the topic of the church of Philadelphia has ever interested you, then this teaching is for you. The Church of Philadelphia is probably the most talked about of the seven churches in Revelation. Much could be discussed regarding this body...

The Anger of YHWH

Have you ever wondered what makes YHWH angry? Have you ever wondered where His anger is first mentioned in the scriptures and why? You might be surprised at the answer.

Who Do You Follow?

Have you ever asked yourself why you believe what you believe? Most all of us would say we believe and follow what the Bible instructs. However, have you truly examined that belief in depth? Or do you just trust your leaders in guiding your...

Dance With Me

"Dance with me." These are words we don't usually imagine coming from YHWH. However, when we consider how we are to keep our lives in perfect step with him, life truly can be considered a dance. In that perspective, how well are we dancing?...

His Sacrifice

There has been many discussions and debates as to what Yeshua's sacrifice accomplished for us. In a prelude to a much larger teaching to come, Steve briefly addresses this topic in hopes to bring clarity to the issue. This is a teaching that...

Acts 10: To Eat or Not to Eat?

Many people read Acts chapter 10 and say: “There you have it. All things are now clean for food.” Yet, they don't understand this text has nothing to do with food at all. This teaching is critical for anyone who thinks Acts 10 is about God...

Last Man Standing

Last Man Standing is a message that every believer needs to hear. You may think you're doing good for the kingdom when you talk to others about the scriptures. However, you may be doing far more damage than you can imagine. It's odd to think...

Satan’s Greatest Masquerade – part 2

In this teaching, Steve addresses tough questions and interesting thoughts given regarding the teaching "Satan's Greatest Masquerade”. This is a great follow-up teaching to an already thought provoking topic. 20 minutes that will be well...

Satan’s Greatest Masquerade

A time of powerful deception is coming. It will be so powerful that Yeshua himself said the very elect would be deceived if that were possible. This is just so hard for many of us to imagine. But where does this deception begin? Does it...

The Second Passover

The 2nd Passover has been a Holy day that has been overlook by most all believers. Yet, we believe it has significance still to this day. In fact, we remember and celebrate the 2nd Passover now instead of the first. Join us for this short...

The King of the North

There has been much speculation on the King of the North found in Daniel chapters ten and eleven. Yet, could it be possible that we have missed a few clues in identifying this King? Clues that have been right in front of us the whole time....

Pursuing Without the Ark

The mystery of the of the Ark of the Covenant has intrigued millions over the past centuries. There are multiple theories and ideas of how the ark went missing and where it could be at this very moment. Yet, we believe there is an important...

Trained Professionals

A Professional is someone who has been schooled at a certain skill. This enables the individual to obtain an occupation through this skill. Yet, does the professional have no more need for learning after graduation? Can a master be taught by...

Hearts O’Fire

Few find the Old Testament exciting to read. Though reasons will vary, we have to ask ourselves just why this is the case. Could it be because we truly don't understand how the Old Testament flows with the New? If someone told you that they...

The Narrow Gate

In order to get through the narrow gate, one must be on the narrow path. Yet, just how narrow is it? After all, it seems that everyone believes that they are on it. Since this is the case, how can we find the definition of the narrow road?...

Serious Questions

We all like to think we have a good understanding of the Scriptures and our faith. However, how do we respond when our faith is challenged? Though most of us will confess we don’t have all the answers, how do we respond when confronted with...

Don’t Be a Judaizer

In order for someone to not be a Judaizer, they need to know what a Judaizer is. Most all of us have heard that term before. Yet, odds are, the Biblical definition for that term, and those like it, may not be what you think.

Trash It

There are times when we just need to get serious and evaluate all the "things" in our life. To prioritize them and see what we can, or should, remove. Take 12 minutes from you busy schedule to consider this short message on a topic everyone...

Home for the Holidays 2

In this second part of the "Home for the Holidays" teaching, we cover more situations that arise at the Christmas season. How we should react in these situations? How can we prevent them from the start? If you found the first teaching...

Home for the Holidays

The “Holiday" season can be a difficult time for those of us who believe that Christmas is not a day we should celebrate. There will always be family or friends who simply do not read the scriptures with the same understanding. Tensions can...

The Heart of Daniel

Daniel is a prophet that is referred to quite often when it comes to discussing the end times. However, have you ever wondered just why YHWH chose to reveal what He did to Daniel? So many commonly go to the end of Daniel chapter 9 to do...

Just Tell Them

It's so tempting to not want to share the Truth with people at times. Especially if they appear to show animosity or even spite towards the faith. But is that an excuse to not share the Truth with them when you know the Spirit is prompting...

Why We’re Not 501c3

In the never ending debate if a ministry should be 501c3 or not, there are reasons that support both sides to the topic. We have prayerfully considered and come to the conclusion to forgo that option for Torah Family. We hope this short...

The Center of His Wheel

YHWH is the potter. We are the clay. At east that's the way it's supposed to be. Sometimes we are tempted to try and tell Him how this should be or that should be in our life and then do all we can to make them happen. However, when we do...

The Throne of Your Life

Everyday we are faced with circumstances in our life. Some require little faith. Others require much more. Trusting YHWH with our life is something that is easily said, but when the rubber hits the road, it can be a different story. How well...


Accepting change in our life isn't always easy. YHWH desires us to grow in our changes. How well do you take it? Do you resist change? If so, have you ever thought that you could be resisting YHWH in that change. Where is He wanting to lead...

Waxing Cold

Love. What is it? Yeshua said that in the end days that the love of many would grow cold. Some versions translate it as "waxing" cold. But who are the "many" here? Is it the world? Or is it believers? It seems more and more that the very...


Many who have been brought up in the church struggle with the thought of drinking a glass of wine or having beer. Many families will have nothing to do with alcohol. Yet, is it really a sin to drink? Join us in this short teaching as we look...

Glory to Glory

It is the desire of most all believers to grow in their walk with our Heavenly Father. As we draw closer in that walk, He takes us through a journey in learning His word and His voice as He speaks to our heart.  In that process, we find our...

Watchmen on the Wall

There will always be those who just promote a message of fear for attention. There will also be those who strive to inform YHWH's people of things they see as plausible out of concern. After distinguishing between the fear mongers and the...

Prepping for Battle

Sometimes we forget that we live in a world that wars against our soul. That there is an enemy out there who is constantly looking and working for our demise. What are we doing about this? What can we do? Consider...

Extreme Makeover

Nobody wants to consider themselves an enemy of God.  Yet, when pondering the question if we are, whose definition to "friend of the world" are we using?  Are we using our own definition?  Or are we using YHWH's?...

The Seat of Mockers

If you would prefer to download this teaching in AUDIO form and listen at your convenience, please right-click (mobile users, press-and-hold) the following link and select "Save-As" to download.Sitting in the seat of mockers is something that...

The Image of the Beast

It seems there is much talk about the "mark" of the beast.  However, a topic that seems rarely discussed is the "image" of the beast.  Here are some thoughts to ponder and pray over regarding this topic that is seldom talked about by laymen or teachers.

A Time to Laugh

Do you have a lot on your mind? Laugh with your family. Is your schedule tighter than ever? Laugh with your family. Do the things of the world or stress from your job weigh heavy on your heart? Laugh with your family.Sometimes it's just hard to make time for...


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Iron 2 Iron

In this series, Steve and Gus go into the teaching with no idea of the topic that will be discussed. Both will dive into the topic with a thought provoking and entertaining conversation to quickly build after.



Torah 101

A series for growing in Torah.




Live teachings at conferences Steve has been a part of.



Youth Events

Live teachings done at Youth Events Steve has been invited to.


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Written teachings that do not have a video.



Full Length

Longer than normal teachings.



Fellowship Gatherings

Live teachings done at different fellowship gatherings.



Live Interviews

A collection of interviews done on on podcasts and other YouTube channels.


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