Divided by Truth or United in Error

Divided by Truth or United in Error

Should we compromise truth for the sake of unity? Shouldn't truth to be the source of our unity? Yeshua makes some pretty big statements about this topic. Sadly, these statements are all too quickly overlooked.      ...

The Greatest, the Least, and the Defiant

The Greatest, the Least, and the Defiant

Yeshua said there will be people who are greater and least in the Kingdom. What are the criteria for these classes of people in the kingdom? What differentiates the least in the Kingdom from those who aren't allowed in at all? Both the Torah...

Heaven and Earth Testify

Heaven and Earth Testify

There are reasons why Yeshua said nothing from the Torah would be removed until Heaven and Earth pass away. Do you know what they are? Join Steve in this 15-minute teaching and consider how this statement from Yeshua shows the role Heaven...

As for Me and My House

As for Me and My House

There are so many opinions on how we should walk in obedience to our Heavenly Father. Yet, our focus shouldn’t be on what others are saying. Our focus should be on what we believe the Father is speaking to us individually. Steve shares his...

Hanukkah, Purim, and the End Times

Hanukkah, Purim, and the End Times

While celebrating Hanukkah and Purim has become a topic of discussion for some, there is little debating their potential significance when it comes to prophecy. Steve digs deep on some points of contention to some traditional customs held by...

City Slicker

City Slicker

Learning something new can seem so difficult at first. However, once you’ve learned it, it quickly becomes second nature to you. But until that time comes, it can just seem overwhelming. Join Steve as he gives this brief message and personal...

At War

At War

It's so easy to forget that we’re in a war. What's your mindset as you live your daily life? It can make all the difference.        

A New Command?

A New Command?

Did Yeshua give us a new command to follow? What would the implications be if that were true?        

Building His Kingdom

Building His Kingdom

Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, we’re all building something. The question is what are we building? This world comes at us from all directions and many times it's easy to lose focus. This is something most all of us recognize and...

Always and Forever

Always and Forever

No one would ever think of Isaiah as a false prophet. However, if someone chooses to believe YHWH did away with His law, they are inadvertently making him just that. A false prophet. This teaching discusses this very topic. You may be...



WWJD has been around for a long time. However, how many of us have ever really stopped to think about the answer to it? You might be surprised what it is. Here's the link to the mentioned page, Faith Foundations....

The Bridegroom Cometh!

The Bridegroom Cometh!

Most everyone who is trying to walk after the ways of our savior will tell you how they long to hear the announcement of His return for His bride. That will truly be a joyous day. If you are longing for that day, as we’re sure you are, this...

The Righteous Judge

The Righteous Judge

The Scriptures declare YHWH is a righteous judge. That’s something most all believe. Should we think YHWH gave His law to show we don’t have the ability to follow His righteousness? If one holds to that line of thought, can He remain The...

We are the Body

We are the Body

Can the eye say to the hand “I don’t need you?” Of course not. However, what is our perspective regarding the body of Messiah? Join Steve in this short message on an important topic.    

Ears to Hear

Ears to Hear

Here’s a brief thought to consider on hearing the voice of the Shepherd.    

For Goodness Sake

For Goodness Sake

A Short but extremely valuable lesson on understanding what the Law is, and has always been, for all of YHWH's people.    



Many have quoted Philippians 4:13 which says "I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” Have you ever wondered just what “everything” truly encompasses? You might be surprised.    

Watching for that Day

Watching for that Day

If you’ve ever had any interest in studying the end times, this is a teaching you don’t want to pass up. Steve presents an understanding regarding Yeshua’s return that has simply been overlooked until now. However, both the Old and New Testaments speak of it. This 25...

The Assembly

The Assembly

Many have said the Church and Israel are two separate entities. However, when we look at the scriptures, we see YHWH has always had one people. His people. Those who chose to follow His ways. Are you a part of the assembly of YHWH?

Like Father, Like Son

Like Father, Like Son

Knowing YHWH is our heavenly Father, can people see Him in us? Are we showing people who our Heavenly Father is in our everyday life? Who do people see when they look at us?

The Choice

The Choice

How do you describe the Word of YHWH? What's your attitude towards it? While these may sound like foolish questions, our answer to them can determine how we live His eternal Word. This teaching presents a word of caution that every believer...