Well Done

Well Done

Well Done. Those are the words everybody longs to hear once we cross over to the other side. Yet, what does it take to hear those words spoken to us? Do we have to do anything at all or is just based on faith? What does is mean to please...

The Church of Philadelphia (Remastered) + NEW Content

The Church of Philadelphia (Remastered) + NEW Content

If the topic of the church of Philadelphia has ever interested you, then this teaching is for you. The Church of Philadelphia is probably the most talked about of the seven churches in Revelation. Much could be discussed regarding this body...

The Anger of YHWH

The Anger of YHWH

Have you ever wondered what makes YHWH angry? Have you ever wondered where His anger is first mentioned in the scriptures and why? You might be surprised at the answer.

Who Do You Follow?

Who Do You Follow?

Have you ever asked yourself why you believe what you believe? Most all of us would say we believe and follow what the Bible instructs. However, have you truly examined that belief in depth? Or do you just trust your leaders in guiding your...

Dance With Me

Dance With Me

"Dance with me." These are words we don't usually imagine coming from YHWH. However, when we consider how we are to keep our lives in perfect step with him, life truly can be considered a dance. In that perspective, how well are we dancing?...

His Sacrifice

His Sacrifice

There has been many discussions and debates as to what Yeshua's sacrifice accomplished for us. In a prelude to a much larger teaching to come, Steve briefly addresses this topic in hopes to bring clarity to the issue. This is a teaching that...

Acts 10: To Eat or Not to Eat?

Acts 10: To Eat or Not to Eat?

Many people read Acts chapter 10 and say: “There you have it. All things are now clean for food.” Yet, they don't understand this text has nothing to do with food at all. This teaching is critical for anyone who thinks Acts 10 is about God...

Last Man Standing

Last Man Standing

Last Man Standing is a message that every believer needs to hear. You may think you're doing good for the kingdom when you talk to others about the scriptures. However, you may be doing far more damage than you can imagine. It's odd to think...

Satan’s Greatest Masquerade – part 2

Satan’s Greatest Masquerade – part 2

In this teaching, Steve addresses tough questions and interesting thoughts given regarding the teaching "Satan's Greatest Masquerade”. This is a great follow-up teaching to an already thought provoking topic. 20 minutes that will be well...

Satan’s Greatest Masquerade

Satan’s Greatest Masquerade

A time of powerful deception is coming. It will be so powerful that Yeshua himself said the very elect would be deceived if that were possible. This is just so hard for many of us to imagine. But where does this deception begin? Does it...

The Second Passover

The Second Passover

The 2nd Passover has been a Holy day that has been overlook by most all believers. Yet, we believe it has significance still to this day. In fact, we remember and celebrate the 2nd Passover now instead of the first. Join us for this short...

The King of the North

The King of the North

There has been much speculation on the King of the North found in Daniel chapters ten and eleven. Yet, could it be possible that we have missed a few clues in identifying this King? Clues that have been right in front of us the whole time....

Pursuing Without the Ark

Pursuing Without the Ark

The mystery of the of the Ark of the Covenant has intrigued millions over the past centuries. There are multiple theories and ideas of how the ark went missing and where it could be at this very moment. Yet, we believe there is an important...

Trained Professionals

Trained Professionals

A Professional is someone who has been schooled at a certain skill. This enables the individual to obtain an occupation through this skill. Yet, does the professional have no more need for learning after graduation? Can a master be taught by...

Hearts O’Fire

Hearts O’Fire

Few find the Old Testament exciting to read. Though reasons will vary, we have to ask ourselves just why this is the case. Could it be because we truly don't understand how the Old Testament flows with the New? If someone told you that they...

The Narrow Gate

The Narrow Gate

In order to get through the narrow gate, one must be on the narrow path. Yet, just how narrow is it? After all, it seems that everyone believes that they are on it. Since this is the case, how can we find the definition of the narrow road?...

Serious Questions

Serious Questions

We all like to think we have a good understanding of the Scriptures and our faith. However, how do we respond when our faith is challenged? Though most of us will confess we don’t have all the answers, how do we respond when confronted with...

Don’t Be a Judaizer

Don’t Be a Judaizer

In order for someone to not be a Judaizer, they need to know what a Judaizer is. Most all of us have heard that term before. Yet, odds are, the Biblical definition for that term, and those like it, may not be what you think.

Trash It

Trash It

There are times when we just need to get serious and evaluate all the "things" in our life. To prioritize them and see what we can, or should, remove. Take 12 minutes from you busy schedule to consider this short message on a topic everyone...

Home for the Holidays 2

Home for the Holidays 2

In this second part of the "Home for the Holidays" teaching, we cover more situations that arise at the Christmas season. How we should react in these situations? How can we prevent them from the start? If you found the first teaching...

Home for the Holidays

Home for the Holidays

The “Holiday" season can be a difficult time for those of us who believe that Christmas is not a day we should celebrate. There will always be family or friends who simply do not read the scriptures with the same understanding. Tensions can...