The Prophetic X Factor

Everyone has opinions and thoughts on how the end times will play out. However, it seems few consider how the “X” factor will play a role in their current understanding of prophecy. But what IS the “X” factor? The prophets were told about it, and our savior spoke of...

No Lies in the 144,000

The topic of the 144,000 in Revelation brings interesting conversations from many perspectives. In this teaching, Steve looks at the traits of these individuals and the misunderstanding of them just the same. Especially the trait that says, “In their mouth, no lie was...

Countdown to Armageddon

Steve joins Scott Harwell in a conversation on how close we could be to seeing end-time events. Could we be years away or as close as even weeks away from seeing things getting serious? This is an excellent conversation as both bring various views to be...