James 1:2, 3 – Only Natural? (June 4)

Categories: Daily Devotion

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James 1:2, 3 – Only Natural? (June 4)

Hello and thanks for joining in on to today’s daily devotion. Today is Saturday. June 4th. The 7th day of the Hebraic week. And everybody says “HalleluYah.”

Our verses today is James 1:2, 3.

James 1:2
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

We’ve all heard this verse at one time or another in our life. But let’s face it, it’s just not something we want to hear. Especially when we’re going through something hard. We’ve all been there trying to encourage someone when they’re going through a hard time and we most likely even used this verse. Yet, if we know this verse is something we don’t want to hear when going through a hard time, what makes us think that someone will want to hear it?

Well, whether we want to hear it or not is not the issue. Sometimes we just need to hear it. Most likely those times when we don’t want to hear it is quite possibly the very times we need to hear it the most. Being reminded of what we already know can be frustrating. Yet, sometimes it can be the very thing that gets us through.

Considering a hard time something of pure joy just doesn’t make sense on a natural level. Yet, we’re not called to walk only in the natural.

Let this be a focus in your time of meditation throughout the day. Until tomorrow, shalom!

Here's something interesting to consider:

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