Last Man Standing

Last Man Standing is a message that every believer needs to hear. You may think you’re doing good for the kingdom when you talk to others about the scriptures. However, you may be doing far more damage than you can imagine. It’s odd to think we could be...

Shavuot out of Egypt

This short but eye opening article answers several questions surrounding Shavuot. It also looks at the possibilities of how Shavuot could play a role in the end times. A necessary read for all believers!      Shavuot out of Egypt – Updated 5-11-18  ...

Satan’s Greatest Masquerade

A time of powerful deception is coming. It will be so powerful that Yeshua himself said the very elect would be deceived if that were possible. This is just so hard for many of us to imagine. But where does this deception begin? Does it happen all at once? Has it...

The Second Passover

The 2nd Passover has been a Holy day that has been overlook by most all believers. Yet, we believe it has significance still to this day. In fact, we remember and celebrate the 2nd Passover now instead of the first. Join us for this short teaching in hearing why we...

The King of the North

There has been much speculation on the King of the North found in Daniel chapters ten and eleven. Yet, could it be possible that we have missed a few clues in identifying this King? Clues that have been right in front of us the whole time. Join us for this short...

Trained Professionals

A Professional is someone who has been schooled at a certain skill. This enables the individual to obtain an occupation through this skill. Yet, does the professional have no more need for learning after graduation? Can a master be taught by a student? This small...