Oct / 2023 | End of Days, Feast Days, Steve's Teachings, Uncategorized, Written
This newly updated article is a MUST read for all believers! We’ve all pondered when things could begin to play out for the end times. This article may help shed some light. The Last Day of Sukkot UPDATED...
Apr / 2022 | End of Days, Feast Days, Steve's Teachings, Written
If you enjoy studying end-time topics, we believe you may find this of interest. This short read looks into the added 45 days of the 1,335 days of Daniel 12. The Added 45 Days of the...
Oct / 2018 | End of Days, Uncategorized, Written
Many have questioned why we have changed our position from believing in a post-tribulation resurrection to a pretribulation resurrection. In efforts to help others see our understanding on this topic, we have written this article. We pray it helps. ...
Feb / 2018 | End of Days, Written
The following PDF is an outline of a possible scenario in how things could play out in the end times. Though this timeline is noted with specified timing, the goal is to consider how something of this nature could play out in any year. May we all learn and glean from...
Oct / 2017 | End of Days, Uncategorized, Written
So many are quick to say we can’t know the day when Yeshua returns. Several scriptures are used to defend this understanding. However, what if that understanding isn’t correct? What if our Messiah’s words have been misunderstood? This article will...
Jun / 2017 | End of Days, Feast Days, Steve's Teachings, Written
This short but eye opening article answers several questions surrounding Shavuot. It also looks at the possibilities of how Shavuot could play a role in the end times. A necessary read for all believers! Shavuot out of Egypt – Updated 5-11-18 ...
Mar / 2016 | Feast Days, Learning Torah, Steve's Teachings, Written
It seems there will always be calendar discussions and disagreements. I was recently presented with a view that I have yet to find Biblical proof was wrong. So I am presenting it here for your review. May we always have a humble heart in pursuing YHWH on this topic....