Signs in the Heavens?

Many have been talking about the eclipse of August 21 and the constellation of Virgo with September 23. There are those who have been declaring warnings. There are those who completely dismiss them altogether in an almost mocking fashion. These extreme views have left...

Satan’s Greatest Masquerade

A time of powerful deception is coming. It will be so powerful that Yeshua himself said the very elect would be deceived if that were possible. This is just so hard for many of us to imagine. But where does this deception begin? Does it happen all at once? Has it...

The King of the North

There has been much speculation on the King of the North found in Daniel chapters ten and eleven. Yet, could it be possible that we have missed a few clues in identifying this King? Clues that have been right in front of us the whole time. Join us for this short...

Watchmen on the Wall

There will always be those who just promote a message of fear for attention. There will also be those who strive to inform YHWH’s people of things they see as plausible out of concern. After distinguishing between the fear mongers and the self proclaimed...

The Image of the Beast

It seems there is much talk about the “mark” of the beast.  However, a topic that seems rarely discussed is the “image” of the beast.  Here are some thoughts to ponder and pray over regarding this topic that is seldom talked about by laymen or...