Sound Doctrine

Do you know what doctrine is? What doctrine do you follow? Is it sound? Steve lays out sound doctrine from the Word in a straight forward manner that challenges us to follow what is taught by Jesus, Paul and others in the...

Countdown to Armageddon

Steve joins Scott Harwell in a conversation on how close we could be to seeing end-time events. Could we be years away or as close as even weeks away from seeing things getting serious? This is an excellent conversation as both bring various views to be...

Comfort Zone

As the saying goes, ships are safe in the harbor, but that’s not what ships are made for. Likewise, it’s nice to have a comfort zone but we can’t dwell in them 24/7. If we hope to grow any at all, we have to step out of our comfort zone and learn to grow in our...

Extreme Lives

Extreme times call for extreme lives. Are we walking in a way that shows we are Yahweh’s people? Now, more than ever before, let us reinspect our lives – how we act, what we say, and what we think. Links: The Church of Sardis –...