Waxing Cold

Love. What is it? Yeshua said that in the end days that the love of many would grow cold. Some versions translate it as “waxing” cold. But who are the “many” here? Is it the world? Or is it believers? It seems more and more that the very ones...

Men of YHWH – Ch. 4 – Dads of Girls

Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into.  It doesn’t happen over night.  In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should be constantly becoming more like our Heavenly Father. Continually growing into a man of YHWH.  In...


Many who have been brought up in the church struggle with the thought of drinking a glass of wine or having beer. Many families will have nothing to do with alcohol. Yet, is it really a sin to drink? Join us in this short teaching as we look at this topic from a...

Calendar Confusion

It seems there will always be calendar discussions and disagreements.  I was recently presented with a view that I have yet to find Biblical proof was wrong.  So I am presenting it here for your review. May we always have a humble heart in pursuing YHWH on this topic....

Watchmen on the Wall

There will always be those who just promote a message of fear for attention. There will also be those who strive to inform YHWH’s people of things they see as plausible out of concern. After distinguishing between the fear mongers and the self proclaimed...