The Prayer of Salvation

The Prayer of Salvation

Many believe Romans 10:9 gives a foundation for saying a prayer that enables one to obtain salvation. However, when one looks at the surrounding text to that verse, they’ll find the Torah is the foundation of this verse.      ...

Why Tithing Isn’t for Today

Why Tithing Isn’t for Today

Many ministers today say you’re sinning by not giving tithes to the church. Find out why that view is Biblically incorrect for our time today and learn what the Bible teaches on this topic.         What others have said...

Law Abiding Citizen

Law Abiding Citizen

What makes someone a law-abiding citizen? It’s when they obey the laws of the land. Are you obeying the Law of the Most High?         What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give...

The First Five Trumpets

The First Five Trumpets

Many have believed the first four trumpets of Revelation are caused by events pertaining to asteroids or comets. However, we believe, and show in this teaching, how they can be fulfilled by natural events here on earth. Plus, many prophecy...

Grafted In

Grafted In

What does it mean to be grafted in? To whom or what are we grafted into? This 28-minute teaching gives excellent insight to understanding how every believer in Yeshua is a true Israelite. This teaching is foundational and needs to be...

Watch and Pray

Watch and Pray

When pondering the possibilities of Yeshua’s return, one can’t help but consider the four fasts that are turned to feasts. This teaching adds new insights and considerations to our teaching, “Watching for that Day.” It would be helpful to...

Hunger and Thirst

Hunger and Thirst

Do you hunger and thirst for righteousness? Before you answer that, what is your definition of “righteousness?” Does your understanding of it come from the Word or from your own thoughts and idea’s in how you were taught? Join us as we...

Fast Food Believers

Fast Food Believers

Are you always on the run? Do you find it hard to make time to study like you want? It’s so easy to take what someone says and accept it without examining the details when you have a busy schedule. What changes do you need to make to not be...

Close, but yet so Far Away

Close, but yet so Far Away

We should never give up in following what the Father tells us to do. Even when you may think that it’s of no use. Even when it seems that everything you’ve done up to that point has gained you nothing. Don’t give up on what the Father is...

A Lot

A Lot

We make decisions every day. These decisions impact our future more than we realize. Examples are given to us in the scriptures of how and why we are to make the right choices every day. Illustrations to encourage us to walk in full...

To Be or not To Be

To Be or not To Be

The famous question brought to life from a different perspective. A perspective that we believe all followers need to consider. If you long to be used by YHWH, we ask you prayerfully watch this teaching and consider the title for your life....

Ancient Paths

Ancient Paths

All believers hold to the thought that they’re walking in the faith. However, who is defining the faith you’re walking in? Are you walking in the ancient paths or the traditions of men?         What others have said about...

2nd Passover and the Coming Storm – Addendum

2nd Passover and the Coming Storm – Addendum

After watching our first teaching on this topic, many have seen just how important the 2nd Passover could be to the return of Yeshua. With these new insights to the subject, you’ll see all the more how 2nd Passover should truly be another...

In the Gap

In the Gap

Where is your relationship with our Heavenly Father today? Are you where He's calling you to be? Are you doing what He's calling you to do? Are you following our savior's example?         What others have said about this...

Easter and the End Times

Easter and the End Times

Easter Sunday is a day observed by believers all over the world. It’s a special day to celebrate and worship the Most High God. However, is this day accepted by YHWH? Have we ever stopped to ponder what He thinks of the traditions we use to...

Trust in the Lord

Trust in the Lord

Trust is established through a relationship. Trust is something we grow in. How is strong your trust in YHWH?         What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you lots to think...

Piece O’ Cake

Piece O’ Cake

Ever been up against something that just seemed completely impossible to overcome? Do you focus on the problem or the problem solver? The answer to that question will determine how we view the challenges often presented before us.  ...

Church Leadership

Church Leadership

Church leadership is a subject of much debate for many. How should it look? How should it function? Who should be in it? However, what if the scriptures show we can’t have a “church leadership" established like so many proclaim? What if the...

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth is expected in all of our lives. However, how often does it actually happen?         What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you lots to think about and...

The 70 Years

The 70 Years

Why does YHWH get angry with His people? How long can His anger go before it turns to judgment? How or when does the span of seventy years fit into that equation?    

The Birth Pains

The Birth Pains

When it comes to discussing the end times, it seems one of the most common phrases brought up is “The birth pains.” However, what if the “birth pains” aren’t what you think they are. This brief teaching looks into Yeshua’s words when He...