Which Anger? – James 1:19,20
Welcome to Scriptures for Life with TorahFamily.org. Taking time to focus on the Father’s way.
Slow to speak and slow to become angry. That can be a task in itself. Right? Yet, I believe the more significant element in these two verses to look at is found in verse 20. “For man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.” Notice it doesn’t say “Anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.” It says “man’s anger.”
Yeshua was angry in the Temple when turning over the tables. Yet, that wasn’t “man’s anger.” That was righteous indignation. Meaning anger founded on YHWH’s word. Let’s face it, Yeshua knew the proper interpretation of the scriptures. There was no refuting Him. Those who tried only made a fool of themselves.
Yet, we don’t know all the proper interpretations like Him. So what’s my point? Be cautious in your anger. If it’s “man’s anger” get rid of it. If you think it’s righteous indignation, be cautious. You may not know the Word as good as you think you do.
Let this be a focus in your time of meditation throughout the day. Until next time, Shalom.