Walk in Him – Psalm 29:11
Welcome to Scriptures for Life with TorahFamily.org. Taking time to focus on the Father’s way.
YHWH gives strength to his people; YHWH blesses his people with peace.
Strength and Peace. If there’s any two things that YHWH’s people pray for the most, it’s these. We live in a world that seems to drain these very things from a believers life. But our verse says these are the very things YHWH gives to His people. He gives them because He knows we need them. He gives them because He knows these are the things the enemy attacks the most.
Are you struggling with having these two things in your life? Then struggle no more. According to our verse, these are what YHWH wants to bless you with. So let Him. Let your life reflect these attributes to the world around you. When you do, you will stand out like never before. Why? Because when circumstances in your life would make others fear, you have peace. When circumstances in your life would make others want to give up, you continue on in Him. So walk in His strength. Walk in His peace. Walk in Him.
Let this be a focus in your time of meditation throughout the day. Until next time, shalom!