Building His Kingdom

Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, we’re all building something. The question is what are we building? This world comes at us from all directions and many times it’s easy to lose focus. This is something most all of us recognize and readily acknowledge....

Always and Forever

No one would ever think of Isaiah as a false prophet. However, if someone chooses to believe YHWH did away with His law, they are inadvertently making him just that. A false prophet. This teaching discusses this very topic. You may be surprised at what the scriptures...


WWJD has been around for a long time. However, how many of us have ever really stopped to think about the answer to it? You might be surprised what it is. Here’s the link to the mentioned page, Faith Foundations.  ...

The Bridegroom Cometh!

Most everyone who is trying to walk after the ways of our savior will tell you how they long to hear the announcement of His return for His bride. That will truly be a joyous day. If you are longing for that day, as we’re sure you are, this is a teaching you will find...

The Righteous Judge

The Scriptures declare YHWH is a righteous judge. That’s something most all believe. Should we think YHWH gave His law to show we don’t have the ability to follow His righteousness? If one holds to that line of thought, can He remain The Righteous Judge?  ...

We are the Body

Can the eye say to the hand “I don’t need you?” Of course not. However, what is our perspective regarding the body of Messiah? Join Steve in this short message on an important topic.  ...