The Gentile Church?

For so long, it’s been taught that Yeshua came to start something new. It’s been taught that the Jews rejected Yeshua, so He created something new with the Gentiles. However, how many of us ever tested those thoughts to the scriptures? This short teaching does just...

The Law of Sin and Death

Are you under the Law of Sin and Death? While many would say they aren’t, they may not have a full understanding of just what it means. This short teaching explains what it means and encourages all to examine their lives accordingly. Other teachings referenced in this...

Walk into This

Sometimes YHWH gives us small corrections in our disobedience. What we do with those corrections will determine what comes next. Blessings or harsher corrections.      ...

Understanding Winter or Sabbath

When it comes to studying the end times, Yeshua’s words about winter and the Sabbath may be some of the most difficult to understand. This short teaching takes a quick look at the various possibilities Yeshua could have meant when He gave us those words.    ...