The Walk

The Walk

Do you believe faith is a new concept that was brought in by the New Testament? Do you believe the way of faith was established in Yeshua that did away with the law? If so, we ask you to please consider this short teaching. You’ll see how...

No Picking & Choosing

No Picking & Choosing

Many today like to accuse believers who are pursuing obedience to God’s law of just picking and choosing what commands they want to follow. But is this really the case? Why are some commands followed and other commands not followed by those...

The Assyrian

The Assyrian

The view of the Anti-Messiah being Islamic has grown in popularity over the last decade. However, what if that view is only setting up the foundation for the real Anti-Messiah to be accepted as the Messiah? Join Steve as he looks at the...

Time to Get Serious

Time to Get Serious

"Commitment" can be a scary word for some people. However, it's a requirement for a believer. So what does your commitment to our Heavenly Father​ look like? Better yet, have you ever wondered how He views your commitment?  Transcript...

What is Sin?

What is Sin?

Ever asked what the biblical definition of sin is? In a world of blurred lines between right and wrong, this teaching is an eye-opener for all who wish to live their lives for the one true God.  Transcript

Veiled Hearts

Veiled Hearts

Many who believe the law is no longer for believers today refer to 2 Corinthians chapter 3 for their support. They claim the law is a veil and it's removed when we come to Yeshua. However, this misunderstanding of the words of Paul may prove...

The Way

The Way

Many know the verse that says Yeshua is the way, truth, and the life. However, it seems we all just pass over that so quickly. Join Steve as he digs a little deeper into examining what it means when Yeshua says He is “the way.”

The Standard

The Standard

Some believe YHWH set His standard of expectations too high for His people in the Old Testament. They believe He has since lowered those expectations. Watch this short teaching and see how Yeshua came to show us how to walk in the ways of...

Evil People

Evil People

There are many opinions on what or who evil people are. But how often have we looked into the Biblical definition to see how YHWH defines them? This teaching may change your understanding of just who "evil people" are.

Before You Deny Him | Part 1

Before You Deny Him | Part 1

For 2,000 years there have been arguments opposing Yeshua as the Messiah. This teaching addresses the very foundation that many use for that opposition. A foundation that’s not only weak, but opposes much more than they realize.

Worthy to be Persecuted

Worthy to be Persecuted

How often have you heard the topic of persecution being taught on these days? If you faced persecution for your faith like that which the believers did in the Scriptures, would you remain faithful? Steve digs into the topic that is scarcely...

The Writings of Paul

The Writings of Paul

There are many people today who believe Paul preached against the Torah. They use his writings to defend this view over and over again. ​It's time to read the writings of Paul from the perspective they were written. To read them through a...

Slow Down

Slow Down

Why is it so easy to find ourselves getting busy and such a task to slow down? The world we live in seems only to make it worse. Should we go with the flow or force a change to slow things down in our personal lives?

Did They Know?

Did They Know?

Did Yeshua's killers know what they were doing? Some say they did. So they believe Yeshua didn't want His murderers forgiven. Could that be true? What does the evidence point to? What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent...

Refrigerator Worthy

Refrigerator Worthy

Just because no one can earn their salvation, it doesn't mean we shouldn't seek to please our Heavenly Father through good deeds. Right? Well, that depends on who you ask. Some say faith is all we need. Is that true? Is that all we'll be...

Grace and Truth

Grace and Truth

John 1:17 says “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” This text has caused many to believe Yeshua brought something different than what Moses did. At a quick glance, it can indeed seem that way....

The Shadow

The Shadow

We've heard many refer to Colossians chapter 2 in saying the Feast days and the Sabbath no longer apply for believers today. Join Steve as he examines the verses often cited for this understanding and see how the opposite is actually true...

Away With the Law?

Away With the Law?

Ever heard someone say Yeshua did away with the law? If this is a thought you hold to, we encourage you to take a few moments and ponder these questions from Steve. They're not hard questions. In fact, you might be surprised at how simple...

The Return of the Tent

The Return of the Tent

Many are looking for another temple to be made. However, what if it’s not a stone temple but rather the tent of meeting that is to be set up in the end times? Join Steve as he examines this interesting perspective. Plus, Steve looks at the...



Most everyone I know would agree Yeshua fulfilled the Law. The question is, what does that really mean? Though many may be saying the same thing, their definition of "fulfill" proves they are discussing something completely different. So...

The Ship that Couldn’t Sink

The Ship that Couldn’t Sink

Many of us were told the Law of YHWH was done away with all our life. Making it a "fact" in our mind. That makes it hard for us to consider the possibility of anything that opposes that "fact." Join Steve in this short teaching that...