End of Days

A collection of teachings related to Biblical End Times.

Easter and the End Times

Easter and the End Times

Easter Sunday is a day observed by believers all over the world. It’s a special day to celebrate and worship the Most High God. However, is this day accepted by YHWH? Have we ever stopped to ponder what He thinks of the traditions we use to...

World News Update 3-13-20

World News Update 3-13-20

In light of events taking place around the world in recent weeks, we have a short message in response to the concerns of many people.    

End Times Q&A

End Times Q&A

When it comes to the topic of end times, there will always be differences for us to work out as we all learn and grow together. This is the End times Q&A session from the Isaiah 46:10 Conference held on March 1, 2020.    

The 70 Years

The 70 Years

Why does YHWH get angry with His people? How long can His anger go before it turns to judgment? How or when does the span of seventy years fit into that equation?    

The Birth Pains

The Birth Pains

When it comes to discussing the end times, it seems one of the most common phrases brought up is “The birth pains.” However, what if the “birth pains” aren’t what you think they are. This brief teaching looks into Yeshua’s words when He...

The Winter Timeline

The Winter Timeline

When it comes to studying the end times, there are just so many perspectives to keep in mind. As we all grow in our understanding of the scriptures, it’s always good to talk with others and see what our Heavenly Father could be showing them....

Afflict Yourself – The Day of Atonement

Afflict Yourself – The Day of Atonement

Many opinions abound regarding what it means to “afflict yourself” for the Day of Atonement. However, if we saw the possible significance of how this day could be in line with the resurrection, would we do anything different? Would we not...

The One Year Tribulation and the Return of Yeshua

The One Year Tribulation and the Return of Yeshua

Many discussions surround the possibilities of how the end times will come to pass. This teaching is sure to spark new conversations that will take your study time to a whole new level.        

The Prophetic Significance of Shavuot

The Prophetic Significance of Shavuot

Most people know how Shavuot, Pentecost, is the day when the Holy Spirit came down in the 2nd chapter of Acts. Many know how that day is the anniversary of when YHWH entered into covenant with all 12 tribes of Israel in Exodus 24. Knowing...

2nd Passover and the Coming Storm

2nd Passover and the Coming Storm

2nd Passover is often looked over as insignificant. However, this teaching will show how not only is that not the case, but it could be the time Yeshua comes for His bride. This teaching was recorded in Oregon and closes out with a Q&A...

Hanukkah, Purim, and the End Times

Hanukkah, Purim, and the End Times

While celebrating Hanukkah and Purim has become a topic of discussion for some, there is little debating their potential significance when it comes to prophecy. Steve digs deep on some points of contention to some traditional customs held by...



Many have questioned why we have changed our position from believing in a post-tribulation resurrection to a pretribulation resurrection. In efforts to help others see our understanding on this topic, we have written this article. We pray it helps.        ...

The Bridegroom Cometh!

The Bridegroom Cometh!

Most everyone who is trying to walk after the ways of our savior will tell you how they long to hear the announcement of His return for His bride. That will truly be a joyous day. If you are longing for that day, as we’re sure you are, this...

Watching for that Day

Watching for that Day

If you’ve ever had any interest in studying the end times, this is a teaching you don’t want to pass up. Steve presents an understanding regarding Yeshua’s return that has simply been overlooked until now. However, both the Old and New Testaments speak of it. This 25...

The Assyrian

The Assyrian

The view of the Anti-Messiah being Islamic has grown in popularity over the last decade. However, what if that view is only setting up the foundation for the real Anti-Messiah to be accepted as the Messiah? Join Steve as he looks at the...

Evil People

Evil People

There are many opinions on what or who evil people are. But how often have we looked into the Biblical definition to see how YHWH defines them? This teaching may change your understanding of just who "evil people" are.

No More Delay

No More Delay

The following PDF is an outline of a possible scenario in how things could play out in the end times. Though this timeline is noted with specified timing, the goal is to consider how something of this nature could play out in any year. May we all learn and glean from...

The Return of the Tent

The Return of the Tent

Many are looking for another temple to be made. However, what if it’s not a stone temple but rather the tent of meeting that is to be set up in the end times? Join Steve as he examines this interesting perspective. Plus, Steve looks at the...

Knowing the Day

Knowing the Day

So many are quick to say we can't know the day when Yeshua returns. Several scriptures are used to defend this understanding. However, what if that understanding isn't correct? What if our Messiah's words have been misunderstood? This article will shed some light on...

The Church of Philadelphia (Remastered) + NEW Content

The Church of Philadelphia (Remastered) + NEW Content

If the topic of the church of Philadelphia has ever interested you, then this teaching is for you. The Church of Philadelphia is probably the most talked about of the seven churches in Revelation. Much could be discussed regarding this body...

Signs in the Heavens?

Signs in the Heavens?

Many have been talking about the eclipse of August 21 and the constellation of Virgo with September 23. There are those who have been declaring warnings. There are those who completely dismiss them altogether in an almost mocking fashion....

Declaring the End from the Beginning

Declaring the End from the Beginning

In this teaching, Steve gives a general overview in explaining how the Tribulation may actually only last 6 months. Snickering? Listen to Steve's presentation and you will see it truly has Biblical support to be considered. While addressing...

Shavuot out of Egypt

Shavuot out of Egypt

This short but eye opening article answers several questions surrounding Shavuot. It also looks at the possibilities of how Shavuot could play a role in the end times. A necessary read for all believers!      Shavuot out of Egypt - Updated 5-11-18    

Satan’s Greatest Masquerade – part 2

Satan’s Greatest Masquerade – part 2

In this teaching, Steve addresses tough questions and interesting thoughts given regarding the teaching "Satan's Greatest Masquerade”. This is a great follow-up teaching to an already thought provoking topic. 20 minutes that will be well...

Satan’s Greatest Masquerade

Satan’s Greatest Masquerade

A time of powerful deception is coming. It will be so powerful that Yeshua himself said the very elect would be deceived if that were possible. This is just so hard for many of us to imagine. But where does this deception begin? Does it...

The Second Passover

The Second Passover

The 2nd Passover has been a Holy day that has been overlook by most all believers. Yet, we believe it has significance still to this day. In fact, we remember and celebrate the 2nd Passover now instead of the first. Join us for this short...

The King of the North

The King of the North

There has been much speculation on the King of the North found in Daniel chapters ten and eleven. Yet, could it be possible that we have missed a few clues in identifying this King? Clues that have been right in front of us the whole time....

Pursuing Without the Ark

Pursuing Without the Ark

The mystery of the of the Ark of the Covenant has intrigued millions over the past centuries. There are multiple theories and ideas of how the ark went missing and where it could be at this very moment. Yet, we believe there is an important...

The Heart of Daniel

The Heart of Daniel

Daniel is a prophet that is referred to quite often when it comes to discussing the end times. However, have you ever wondered just why YHWH chose to reveal what He did to Daniel? So many commonly go to the end of Daniel chapter 9 to do...

Just Tell Them

Just Tell Them

It's so tempting to not want to share the Truth with people at times. Especially if they appear to show animosity or even spite towards the faith. But is that an excuse to not share the Truth with them when you know the Spirit is prompting...

The Image of the Beast

The Image of the Beast

It seems there is much talk about the "mark" of the beast.  However, a topic that seems rarely discussed is the "image" of the beast.  Here are some thoughts to ponder and pray over regarding this topic that is seldom talked about by laymen or teachers.

The Seven Seals

The Seven Seals (64 min) (Prophecy) The book of Revelation is one that is filled mysteries from every angle. But are those mysteries coming to light as we come closer to the end times? The 7 seals are definitely one of the topics that has been discussed and debated...

Yahweh’s Prophetic Calendar

Yahweh’s Prophetic Calendar End time prophecy has been the topic of many debates. Yet many prophecy students and teachers alike lack the foundation that is needed to truly understand what the prophetic scriptures point us to. This opening teaching of the End of Days...

The Last Trump

https://vimeo.com/151181036  The Last Trump (27 min) (Prophecy)   As believers, we are looking forward to the resurrection. That blessed hope that takes place at the last trump. For many this day has been considered to possibly take place on the Day of Trumpets....

The Last Daze

http://vimeo.com/99849748 The Last Daze (22 min)(Prophecy) Confusion is a tactic of the enemy that has been successfully used over the centuries of time which has left many followers of Yeshua in a state of apathy regarding His second coming. As the time of His return...