We have arrived and are slowly getting settled in. Thank you for all of your prayers! We felt them as the hand of the Father was on us every step of the way! We are happy to say our new home is now Northwest Arkansas! It will take a while to get fully settled but right now we are thankful and are taking one day at a time.
We have much on our plate at the moment as we are basically starting all over with the relocation. However, we are doing all we can in keeping continuity in the releasing of our weekly teachings and daily devotions. This has only been made possible, as always, due to huge help we have received from our volunteers. May YHWH bless them immensely!
We are so excited as the ministry continues to grow with new teachings and now we will have more options for future speaking engagements. In addition, we are currently looking at some new formats for new categories to be added by the end of the year if all goes well. All, of course, while keeping our current categories going strong.
Your support is what allows us to continue serving you with all the teachings on Torahfamily.org. If you haven’t, please consider seeking the Father in partnering with us financially on a monthly basis. ALSO, we would truly appreciate you keeping TorahFamily in your prayers everyday. We are just as human as your neighbor down the street. We are not above reproach and we are not beyond temptation.
We have been asked on multiple occasions if we can accept checks ever since we started TorahFamily. We are thankful to say that now we can. If you wish to do so, please make your check payable to Torah Family and mail it to …
Torah Family
PO Box 1855
Bentonville AR. 72712
Thank you again for all your prayers and we pray you have a blessed weekend as we all continue counting the Omer!
Growing in Him,
Steve Moutria