End Times Q&A

When it comes to the topic of end times, there will always be differences for us to work out as we all learn and grow together. This is the End times Q&A session from the Isaiah 46:10 Conference held on March 1, 2020.  ...

The Birth Pains

When it comes to discussing the end times, it seems one of the most common phrases brought up is “The birth pains.” However, what if the “birth pains” aren’t what you think they are. This brief teaching looks into Yeshua’s words when He mentions what the birth pains...

The Winter Timeline

When it comes to studying the end times, there are just so many perspectives to keep in mind. As we all grow in our understanding of the scriptures, it’s always good to talk with others and see what our Heavenly Father could be showing them. This teaching is a...

As for Me and My House

There are so many opinions on how we should walk in obedience to our Heavenly Father. Yet, our focus shouldn’t be on what others are saying. Our focus should be on what we believe the Father is speaking to us individually. Steve shares his testimony and insight on how...