Piece O’ Cake

Ever been up against something that just seemed completely impossible to overcome? Do you focus on the problem or the problem solver? The answer to that question will determine how we view the challenges often presented before us.      ...

Church Leadership

Church leadership is a subject of much debate for many. How should it look? How should it function? Who should be in it? However, what if the scriptures show we can’t have a “church leadership” established like so many proclaim? What if the Bible shows the many...

The Call to Duty

There’s a sense of honor, respect and accomplishment for all who have served their country in military service. It’s as if they have answered their “call of duty” for their country. But what about our “call of duty” to our heavenly Father? Are we answering the...

Psalm 1

Psalm 1 brings a lot of wisdom. It brings wisdom that is often overlooked. Consider some thoughts that may change your outlook on some important things in life.      ...

Eye for an Eye

The phrase “Eye for an eye” is one that has brought much confusion over the centuries. It’s a phrase that many have used to justify their vengeance on others. However, is that the intention of these words in the Scriptures?      ...