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John 8:34 – Children or Slaves (March 29)
Hello and thanks for joining in on to today’s daily devotion. Today is Tuesday. March 29th. The 3rd day of the Hebraic week.
Our verse today is John 8:34.
Yeshua replied, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.”
The last two days we have talked about overcoming sin. And this day will be no different. You see, this is a topic that many seem to just breeze over. But sin is a serious issue. In fact, this verse tells us just how serious it really is. If we are struggling with familiar sin in our life, we are struggling with who we are declaring our master.
The greater question is, are you struggling with sin? Or are you just giving in to it?
Here’s the thing. The context of this verse is where Yeshua is talking to many Jews and they claimed they were descendants of Abraham and were not slaves. In verse 37, Yeshua confirmed that they were indeed descendants of Abraham. The Greek word for descendants is actually “sperma.” Meaning to be literally of his seed.
Yet, Yeshua said in verses 39 through 47 that they were not Abraham’s children but rather children of the Devil. We can claim all we want, but the truth of the matter is determined in our actions. Our actions are what truly determine who our Father is. We are either a child of the Most High, or we are a slave to the enemy.
It’s all in our attitude towards obedience. Do you shrug it to the side thinking it’s not that big of a
deal? Or do you truly struggle in trying to do what is right? If you struggle to do right, then you can succeed in it. You can be set free. Choose life. This world is not worth eternity.
Let this be a focus in your time of meditation throughout the day. Until tomorrow, shalom!