Because You’re Young

Let’s Go! Teaching for Youth. It seems that the youth are almost always looked down upon with little respect. Have you ever felt that to be true for you? Why do you think that is the case? What steps are you willing to take to change that in your life? Take 7...

Why We’re Not 501c3

In the never ending debate if a ministry should be 501c3 or not, there are reasons that support both sides to the topic. We have prayerfully considered and come to the conclusion to forgo that option for Torah Family. We hope this short explanation helps answer the...

The Center of His Wheel

YHWH is the potter. We are the clay. At east that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Sometimes we are tempted to try and tell Him how this should be or that should be in our life and then do all we can to make them happen. However, when we do this, who is...

The Throne of Your Life

Everyday we are faced with circumstances in our life. Some require little faith. Others require much more. Trusting YHWH with our life is something that is easily said, but when the rubber hits the road, it can be a different story. How well are you in trusting YHWH?...

Men of YHWH – Ch. 6 – Mighty Men

Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn’t happen over night. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should be constantly becoming more like our Heavenly Father. Continually growing into a man of YHWH. In this...


Accepting change in our life isn’t always easy. YHWH desires us to grow in our changes. How well do you take it? Do you resist change? If so, have you ever thought that you could be resisting YHWH in that change. Where is He wanting to lead you? Are you truly...

Poo Poo

“Let’s Go!” is a teaching series just for teens! In a world where we are bombarded with advertisements to get this or buy that, Steve brings a perspective that few consider. There can be “things” in our life that we may allow to take a...

Men of YHWH – Ch. 5 – Kings of Queens

Becoming a man of YHWH is something we learn and grow into. It doesn’t happen over night. In fact, as long as we are alive on this side of eternity, we should be constantly becoming more like our Heavenly Father. Continually growing into a man of YHWH. In this...