Where are the Weeping Prophets?

It seems many today like to think of themselves in the light of a prophet who declares the word of YHWH. It’s as if they believe they have the right or even “calling” to condemn others for not following the scriptures. Take the next 30 minutes and...

Who Do You Follow?

Have you ever asked yourself why you believe what you believe? Most all of us would say we believe and follow what the Bible instructs. However, have you truly examined that belief in depth? Or do you just trust your leaders in guiding your belief system. Who’s...

Dance With Me

“Dance with me.” These are words we don’t usually imagine coming from YHWH. However, when we consider how we are to keep our lives in perfect step with him, life truly can be considered a dance. In that perspective, how well are we dancing? Are we...

His Sacrifice

There has been many discussions and debates as to what Yeshua’s sacrifice accomplished for us. In a prelude to a much larger teaching to come, Steve briefly addresses this topic in hopes to bring clarity to the issue. This is a teaching that will be of value for...

Run! Don’t Walk

Running the race we are called to live is not always that easy. We often temped to slow down or even just turn it into a walk for whatever reason. Join in for this short teaching as Steve addresses the topic of running the race of...