The First Five Trumpets

Many have believed the first four trumpets of Revelation are caused by events pertaining to asteroids or comets. However, we believe, and show in this teaching, how they can be fulfilled by natural events here on earth. Plus, many prophecy teachers seem to avoid the...

Grafted In

What does it mean to be grafted in? To whom or what are we grafted into? This 28-minute teaching gives excellent insight to understanding how every believer in Yeshua is a true Israelite. This teaching is foundational and needs to be understood by those who hold to...

Watch and Pray

When pondering the possibilities of Yeshua’s return, one can’t help but consider the four fasts that are turned to feasts. This teaching adds new insights and considerations to our teaching, “Watching for that Day.” It would be helpful to watch that teaching in...

Hunger and Thirst

Do you hunger and thirst for righteousness? Before you answer that, what is your definition of “righteousness?” Does your understanding of it come from the Word or from your own thoughts and idea’s in how you were taught? Join us as we examine what it truly means to...