Come Out of Her My People

Come Out of Her My People

A time is coming when Yeshua will call His people out. Will you be with those who go to meet Him? Other teachings referenced within this teaching: Church of Philadelphia...

Biblical Revival

Biblical Revival

So many are looking for a world wide end times revival. What does the Bible say about this? You might be surprised.        What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you lots to...

Fruit of Wolves

Fruit of Wolves

The prophets and Paul warned us about wolves. Our savior instructed us to watch out for them and explained how they can be known by their fruit. Do you know how to recognize wolves? After watching this teaching, you’ll be able to...

Different Pulpits

Different Pulpits

Our Heavenly Father made us all different for a reason. Because of those differences, He gives us all different tasks. Are you pursuing what He’s given you?        What others have said about this teaching... Another...

Under the Law

Under the Law

No one wants to be under the law. However, what does it really mean to be “under the law” and what is it that puts someone under the law? You might be surprised.        What others have said about this teaching... Another...

Prepare to Meet Your God

Prepare to Meet Your God

We’ve all heard how history is cyclical. However, could Biblical history be playing out before our very eyes and we’re not even paying attention? If so, what could it mean for our future?

Lost and Found

Lost and Found

YHWH will often speak to us through life events. This week, Steve shares a small recent event with a message behind it.        

The Final Sifting

The Final Sifting

What if our Heavenly Father has begun the final sifting for those who will be in the Church of Philadelphia? Sifting for those who will be with Him in the Battle of Armageddon. Where will you stand when that time of sifting is over?  ...

Hold On Loosely

Hold On Loosely

The things of this world are temporary. While we know that, will we be able to accept it if or when we need to let them go?        

The Coming Deception

The Coming Deception

Yeshua said a time of deception is coming. It’s a deception so strong that even the elect would be deceived if it were possible. While theories abound as to what and how the deception plays out, the bigger question is, will you be deceived?

Seek First

Seek First

Righteousness is a topic that carries a variety of opinions and points of view. However, Yeshua said it’s something we’re to pursue. So what righteousness are you pursuing?        What others have said about this...

To Whom Much is Given

To Whom Much is Given

A time is coming when we will all be judged according to what we’ve been given. Where will you stand on that day?        What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you lots to...

The Golden Calf and the End Times

The Golden Calf and the End Times

There are many parallels in the scriptures that relate to the end times. However, it’s hard to imagine one of those parallels being that of the golden calf. Steve reveals some interesting similarities with this event and brings up some...

The Church of Sardis

The Church of Sardis

The Church of Sardis is one of those churches in Revelation that few seem to talk about. However, the lesson that's there for all of us to learn may be more valuable than we can imagine. Yeshua said this church had a reputation for being...

Time’s Up!

Time’s Up!

How much time do we have? How much time do you have? Will you be ready when time is up?       What others have said about this teaching... Another excellent teaching. It will give you lots to think about and consider! Wake up...

What was I Thinking?

What was I Thinking?

It's always disappointing when you come down to the last minute of something important only to find out you're not as ready as you thought. So, how prepared will we be when it matters most?       What others have said about...

Covenant of Love

Covenant of Love

While many consider the law of YHWH to be bondage, the Scriptures inform us it's our way to love Him. That’s why they’re the foundation to the covenant under Moses and will be the same for the New Covenant. Both covenant’s are likened unto...

The Gentile Church?

The Gentile Church?

For so long, it’s been taught that Yeshua came to start something new. It’s been taught that the Jews rejected Yeshua, so He created something new with the Gentiles. However, how many of us ever tested those thoughts to the scriptures? This...

The Law of Sin and Death

The Law of Sin and Death

Are you under the Law of Sin and Death? While many would say they aren’t, they may not have a full understanding of just what it means. This short teaching explains what it means and encourages all to examine their lives accordingly. Other...

Walk into This

Walk into This

Sometimes YHWH gives us small corrections in our disobedience. What we do with those corrections will determine what comes next. Blessings or harsher corrections.         What others have said about this teaching......

Living Words

Living Words

We’re told YHWH gave living words through Moses. Words that YHWH said were life. So did YHWH do away with those words, or should we still consider them living words?         What others have said about this teaching......