Fishers and Hunters

Fishers and Hunters

Yeshua told His disciples they would be fishers of men. What many don’t understand is when the time of fishing is over, the hunting season begins. But it’s who gets hunted that should cause everyone to examine their life to the scriptures closer than ever before.

Beware of the Coming Sacrifices

Beware of the Coming Sacrifices

Is it possible to be deceived by end-time events that appear to be from God? Steve doesn't mix messages as he lays out this Biblical proof in a way that separates man's way from the way of YHWH. Teachings Referenced:"His...

The Refiners Fire

The Refiners Fire

Is it always the enemy who brings fire of tribulation to us? Did you know Tribulation can be a time of refinement? You'll want to watch Steve as he unpacks why we want to go through our refining NOW!

The Wages of Sin is Death

The Wages of Sin is Death

Working at your job, you expect to earn wages. Right? What are the wages Paul speaks of in the book of Romans? Is it possible to understand what Paul means? Yes, but the answer may surprise you! Watch this concise teaching by Steve to better understand how to earn...

What He Said

What He Said

Many claim the Law was done away with by Jesus' death on the cross. Most who claim this use verses from Paul. However, have we ever looked into what Jesus said about it?Links:Faith Foundations Page

Is the Shroud of Turin the burial Cloth of Yeshua?

Is the Shroud of Turin the burial Cloth of Yeshua?

Is the Shroud of Turin the burial cloth of Yeshua? Steve analyzes the evidence through a Biblical focus and comes to a conclusion. Watch this concise presentation to find out if the evidence is conclusive to you.

The Bride of Messiah

The Bride of Messiah

Who is the Bride of Messiah? The New Jerusalem or something or someone else? Steve takes you on an exploration of who the Bride is as described in The Word. The answer may surprise you!

Was the Law Nailed to the Cross?

Was the Law Nailed to the Cross?

If the Law wasn't nailed to the cross, what was? In this teaching Steve follows the evidence verse-by-verse, as he describes what WAS nailed to the cross. Over and over it can be demonstrated the Bible is consistent from beginning to end. You'll also want to watch...



Prophecy students, and teachers, around the world question how short the tribulation will be cut. This Updated and expanded teaching not only presents a plausible case for it, but it shows how it was established through the Father of the Faith and Ezekiel long ago....

What is Torah?

What is Torah?

Do you know what Torah is? Is it a Jewish thing to you? Is it just a label for the first five books of the Bible? In this focused teaching, Steve provides a path to understanding for those who have backed themselves into a theological corner by saying that Torah has...

The Blood of the Saints and the 70 Weeks of Daniel – Addendum

The Blood of the Saints and the 70 Weeks of Daniel – Addendum

In this addendum to the original teaching, Steve presents a twist on the seventy weeks you may not have considered. As YHWH reveals more and more to His people, He's leading us all to new insights. What's the timing for the 70 weeks? How do the 69 weeks fit within...

No Unity Until…

No Unity Until…

Unity. It’s what most of us are striving for, but how will it come? When will it come? In this concise teaching, Steve provides a look into this topic that we all need to consider. Let’s talk about it!

The Blood of the Saints and the 70 Weeks of Daniel

The Blood of the Saints and the 70 Weeks of Daniel

Sometimes we make things harder than they are and often miss the plain understanding. You may want to replay this teaching more than once to grasp the possibility Steve presents in this new understanding of the 70 weeks of Daniel in the prophetic timeline. Plus, he...

The Coming First Fruits Resurrection – 2nd Edition

The Coming First Fruits Resurrection – 2nd Edition

This short teaching offers some intriguing evidence as to why we should consider the First Fruits offering of Shavuot as a possible time for the Resurrection. Teachings referenced: The Birth Pains - The Prophetic Significance...

Obey or Disobey

Obey or Disobey

Is obedience something believers should be concerned about? How far does grace take us? Is there an expectation from God on all believers to walk in obedience? These are questions we need to seriously consider and not dismiss as foolishness. Other Teachings...

Spell Check

Spell Check

Does your mouth get ahead of your brain? Do your actions sometimes outpace your reason? In this brief teaching, Steve encourages us to choose wisely. Teaching mentioned:

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

Feeling tired, worn-out, or discouraged? Steve shares this message aimed at building your hope and perseverance. Be strong, Soldier of YHWH!

A Review of Messiah 2030

A Review of Messiah 2030

Messiah 2030 is a new video gaining popularity in the eschatology arena. In reviewing this growing popular video, Steve discusses how alternative years could be realized from the same scriptural patterns it reveals. Even if you’ve already seen Messiah 2030, you’ll...

As in the Days of Noah – 4th Edition

As in the Days of Noah – 4th Edition

The Days of Noah bear far more weight to understanding the return of Yeshua than many realize. This 4th edition of this teaching digs deep into some new eye-opening elements pointing to the timing of the flood and just what it means for the New Covenant. Teachings...

FirstFruits and Shavuot

FirstFruits and Shavuot

FirstFruits and Shavuot (a.k.a. Pentecost) - Steve describes what they are, their significance, their timing and how to generally observe them. As always, you may also gain new insight from the lessor known aspects presented in this short teaching. We hope this...

Passover and Unleavened Bread

Passover and Unleavened Bread

New to Torah? Confused about how to observe Yahweh's feasts or maybe looking for a refresher course? In this short teaching Steve not only covers the basics to Passover and Unleavened Bread, he reveals some hidden gems you may not have considered. See for yourself!...