Before You – Psalm 16:8

Categories: Daily Devotion

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Before You – Psalm 16:8

Welcome to Scriptures for Life with Taking time to focus on the Father’s way.

Psalm 16:8
I have set YHWH always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

Have you set YHWH before you? What does that even mean? I mean really? While we may all have different thoughts on this verse, there are two things that come to mind for me. One, is that since we set Him before us, we are constantly walking in humility and praise because we are always seeing how awesome He is and how little we are.

Or could it be that when we set Him before us we will see everything through Him. An ever learning process of seeing everything through His eyes. Learning what He approves of and what breaks His heart. Not so much on what others are doing, but rather on what we are doing.

In either case, we are making Him to be the one whom we lean on. Our right hand. Then, according to this verse, we will never be shaken. Think about that. To never be shaken. So, then, have you set YHWH before you?

Let this be a focus in your time of meditation throughout the day. Until next time, shalom!

Here's something interesting to consider:

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