Answering Machine – Proverbs 18:13

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Answering Machine – Proverbs 18:13

Welcome to Scriptures for Life with Taking time to focus on the Father’s way.

Proverbs 18:13
He who answers before listening – that is his folly and his shame.

Looking into a matter takes time, and not everyone wants to take that time. They’d rather go with the information they’ve been brought up with and reply with that given knowledge. We’ve all been there a time or two or three or four or… Well, you get the picture. We’ve all been there more often than we’d like to admit. We answered automatically just because we “knew” the answer.

But sometimes that’s what can keep us where we’re at. All the while if we just dug a little deeper, we may actually find something new that could change our mind or even solidify our existing view. The problem is that none of us wants to admit the probability of being wrong.

I once heard a phrase that made me chuckle. It was, “Folks don’t want to feel ignorant, but they don’t seem to mind being ignorant.” In other words, they’d rather be wrong than be shown they’re wrong. Are you willing to be wrong? Are you willing to do the needed research?

Proverbs 18:13
He who answers before listening – that is his folly and his shame.

Let this be a focus in your time of meditation throughout the day. Until next time, Shalom.

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