Obey or Disobey

Is obedience something believers should be concerned about? How far does grace take us? Is there an expectation from God on all believers to walk in obedience? These are questions we need to seriously consider and not dismiss as foolishness. Other Teachings...

The Tutor – 3rd Edition

There are many who refer to the tutor in Galatians Chapter 3 as being the law of Moses. Thus, implying the Law is done away with. In this 3rd edition of this teaching, Steve doubles the teaching to give more clarity on the topic to see just what the tutor really is....

The Gentile Church?

For so long, it’s been taught that Yeshua came to start something new. It’s been taught that the Jews rejected Yeshua, so He created something new with the Gentiles. However, how many of us ever tested those thoughts to the scriptures? This short teaching does just...