Bring Change – Matthew 5:13

Categories: Daily Devotion

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Bring Change – Matthew 5:13

Welcome to Scriptures for Life with Taking time to focus on the Father’s way.

Matthew 5:13
You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.

Wow. Have you thought about the ramifications of this verse? I don’t know about you, but I think this sounds rather serious. Think about it. We can lose our saltiness and then if we do we are no longer of any value. We are then just thrown out.

Have you ever asked yourself just how we lose our saltiness? Looking at the possible consequences of this verse, don’t you think we should? What does salt do? It actually can serve several purposes. Yet, whatever the purpose you choose to use it for, it’s all based on the quality of the salt. The bottom line is that salt is used for bringing change. Be it in taste in food, healing to a wound or even softening water. But that change only comes if the salt is good.

So, do you bring change?

Let this be a focus in your time of meditation throughout the day. Until next time, shalom!

Here's something interesting to consider:

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