The 400 of Abraham

There are many differing and varying opinions on how the end times could play out. In this release, Steve visits Gene Porter from the Podcast “2,730 years and Counting.” Steve and Gene discuss a perspective that may have been overlooked regarding the Father of the...

The First Five Trumpets

Many have believed the first four trumpets of Revelation are caused by events pertaining to asteroids or comets. However, we believe, and show in this teaching, how they can be fulfilled by natural events here on earth. Plus, many prophecy teachers seem to avoid the...

Watch and Pray

When pondering the possibilities of Yeshua’s return, one can’t help but consider the four fasts that are turned to feasts. This teaching adds new insights and considerations to our teaching, “Watching for that Day.” It would be helpful to watch that teaching in...

Easter and the End Times

Easter Sunday is a day observed by believers all over the world. It’s a special day to celebrate and worship the Most High God. However, is this day accepted by YHWH? Have we ever stopped to ponder what He thinks of the traditions we use to celebrate this time? Watch...