The Birth Pains

When it comes to discussing the end times, it seems one of the most common phrases brought up is “The birth pains.” However, what if the “birth pains” aren’t what you think they are. This brief teaching looks into Yeshua’s words when He mentions what the birth pains...

This Little Light of Mine

While doing all we can to be separate from the world, we are still called to be a light to the world. So how do we balance this task of being set apart from that which we are called to reach? Steve addressed that very topic in this message presented at the Raising Up...

The Winter Timeline

When it comes to studying the end times, there are just so many perspectives to keep in mind. As we all grow in our understanding of the scriptures, it’s always good to talk with others and see what our Heavenly Father could be showing them. This teaching is a...

The Call to Duty

There’s a sense of honor, respect and accomplishment for all who have served their country in military service. It’s as if they have answered their “call of duty” for their country. But what about our “call of duty” to our heavenly Father? Are we answering the...