Is That True? Part 2

People use many phrases to explain why they believe we no longer need to pursue the Torah. But are these statements true? They can look good at first, but how well do they hold up against the scriptures? This short teaching looks at five more phrases from part 1....

Is That True? Part 1

People use many phrases to explain why they believe we no longer need to pursue the Torah. But are these statements true? They can look good at first, but how well do they hold up against the scriptures? We look at five phrases in this short teaching.    ...

The 11th Month

There’s seems to always be a different angle to view prophecy. A different perspective. A different understanding to consider. As we all do our best in seeking a better comprehension of the scriptures regarding prophecy, this short teaching offers a few patterns...

Who are You?

The word “hypocrite” is one that always applies to someone else. Right? While it may fit other people, how often do we examine our own heart on this topic?      ...

Do You Know Him?

Do you know the Savior? What’s the litmus test for us to really know if we know Him or not? Is it based on our feelings and emotions? Is it founded on how we, personally, believe the relationship should be? Or do we let the scriptures be the foundation for our walk...